FairVote RI

   145 Wayland Ave,
   Providence, RI 02906

   Phone: 401.429.6059

   Fax: 360.933.2456

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   Visit RhodeIslandSuffrage.org.



2008 Candidate Survey
Rhode Island General Assembly Candidates Respond
FairVote RI recently finished its 2008 Candidate Survey. Now it's possible to read up on what candidates for General Assembly in your district think about everything from single-party levers on ballots to the national popular vote. Click here to read the results.

With the upcoming primary and general elections (September 9th and November 4th, respectively), more attention than ever is being directed towards elections. Get in on the action! Email [email protected] to find out how you can volunteer with FairVote Rhode Island.

RI Governor Vetos National Popular Vote on the Eve of July 4th
Veto comes despite overwhelming support from Rhode Islanders; FairVote RI urges override

On the eve of our nation's Independance day, RI Governor Carcieri vetoed the national popular vote compact. The measure has the support of 74% of Rhode Islanders across party lines.

In his veto message, Governor Carcieri claimed that "no serious effort had been made" to amend the Constitution to create a national popular vote, despite the fact that amendments have been proposed and voted on in Congress several times in the 20th century.

More broadly, the governor claimed that the compact "subverts the Constitution." But, FairVote RI Director Ari Savitzky said in a press release, the Constitution gives states the ability to award their electors however they see fit.

"The Constitution is very clear as to who has the power to decide how electoral votes are awarded, and that power is vested exclusively and specifically in the state legislatures; The NPV compact flows directly from that constitutional basis," Savitzky said. "By vetoing this measure, it is the Governor who has subverted that principle."

FairVote RI is now urging an over-ride of the governor's veto. (Pictured here: Ari speaks with Rhode Islanders about the National Popular Vote compact at a recent discussion in Providence)

Pre-Registration Vetoed, FairVote RI Urging Override
Third year in a row that the youth engagement measure is vetoed
On Monday, June 23, Governor Carcieri vetoed bills sponsored by Senator Rhoda Perry and Representative Edwin Pacheco which would allow voter pre-registration for 16 and 17 year olds. The same legislation was vetoed by the governor in 2006 and 2007, and this year's pre-registration bill had passed with bi-partisan support, the endorsement of over 25 local groups and its largest margin yet.

In his veto message, the governor called the measure, which would create a uniform age of 16 for young people to pre-register, "a solution without a problem." But the problem is clear: young people are registered at much lower rates than the general population, hindering the start of the voting habit.

The veto also came despite a letter from Secretary of State A. Ralph Mollis describing how pre-registration could be implemented. Mollis stressed the straightforward nature of the modifications to Rhode Island's registration system. The Governor, however, argued that pre-registration would clog the voter rolls--despite the fact that pre-registration could make the registration system as a whole less error prone..

Now FairVote RI is urging the General Assembly to override the Governor's veto. Email us to learn how to take action, or contact your state legislator!

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July 8th 2008
Chafee joins push for Electoral College reform
The Providence Journal

Former US Sen. Lincoln Chafee is backing the national popular vote plan

July 4th 2008
A simple way to encourage youth voting
The Providence Journal

FairVote Executive Director Rob Richie and Rhode Island Director Ari Savitzky explain why a uniform registration age merits an over-ride vote in Rhode Island

June 21st 2008
R.I. lawmakers approve plan on national popular vote

The RI General Assembly passes the National Popular Vote, a major item on FairVote RI's democracy reform agenda

June 20th 2008
Flurry on Smith Hill means the end is near
The Providence Journal

After a vigorous debate, the RI House passed the National Popular Vote, a key item on the FairVote RI agenda

June 9th 2008
R.I. poll: Most favor scrapping Electoral College, electing presidents directly
Providence Journal

News article on 74% support for National Popular Vote plan in Rhode Island, where FairVote RI is playing key role in NPV plan advocacy.

May 28th 2008
Presidents by National Popular Vote and Early Registration for Teens
Providence Journal

Major items on the FairVote RI agenda moved forward after securing passage on the RI Senate floor

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