Favorite Son Effect
One of the reasons the Founders created the Electoral College was to prevent a Favorite Son effect, in which citizens of a state would vote for a candidate who is also from their state solely for that reason.  But in fact, the Electoral College has turned out to promote the Favorite Son effect instead of suppress it.  Note that every single President, with the exception of James K. Polk in 1844, has won his home state.

*Note: The Federal Elections Commission currently, and incorrectly, explains the Favorite Son effect as being prevented by parties selecting their Presidential and Vice Presidential nominees from different states.

A Few States Wins

Constitutional Residence

State Size

Special Interests

Power of State Legislatures

Unlucky Luck

Ignoring Your Vote

More Options

Vague Values

Electoral Replacements

Electoral Tie

Electoral College Table of Contents

December 21st 2008
Choose President by National Popular Vote
Wichita Eagle

Co-President of Wichita-Metro League of Women Voters cites FairVote in argument for National Popular Vote

December 17th 2008
Electoral College debate reignites
Small Newspaper Group (Illinois)

The debate over the Electoral College reignites in the land of Lincoln.

December 16th 2008
Flunking Electoral College
Baltimore Sun

Editorial making the case against the electoral college.

December 15th 2008
Garrett J. Bradley and Pamela H. Wilmot: In the most important election, all votes should matter
Enterprise News

Massachusetts State Rep and Common Cause director make the case against the electoral college.

December 15th 2008
Group Works To Weaken Electoral College Process

National Public Radio's 'All Things Considered,' -- News story featuring comments from FairVote's Rob Richie.

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