Howard Dean Continues to Support IRV
Dean Discusses IRV on Vermont Radio's Mark Johnson Show
Howard DeanOn March 16th, Former Vermont Governor and Democratic National Committee Chair Howard Dean continued his support for instant runoff voting on Vermont Radio's Mark Johnson Show. Commenting on Burlington's recent IRV election, Dean said "I think the best and most democratic way to use to elect people in multiparty elections is instant runoff voting." Dean also supported the system when it was first used in Burlington in 2006.

Dean is part of a growing list of prominent politicians who have shown support for the system, including President Barack Obama, United States Senators John McCain and Bernie Sanders, U.S. Congressmen Dennis Kucinich and Peter Welch, and former U.S. Congressman John Porter.


Burlington's Second IRV Election a Success
Incumbent Kiss Wins Reelection in Third IRV Round
Burlington City HallCitizens of Burlington, Vermont went to the polls on Tuesday, March 3rd to vote for the second time in an election using instant runoff voting. At 8:25 PM, the city declared that incumbent Mayor Bob Kiss had won reelection in the third and final round of counting, narrowly edging out challenger Kurt Wright, 51.5% to 48.5%. The race was unique in that it had four candidates that had a legitimate shot at winning: Progressive Kiss, Republican Wright, Democrat Andy Montroll, and independent Dan Smith. In most other American cities, there would be fear of "spoiler" candidates, but IRV allowed all four candidates to run without having to worry about being labeled "spoilers."

IRV is also credited for making the race one of the more civil that Burlington has seen, as candidates were hesitant to attack one another for fear of losing their opponents' second choice support.  Democratic City Councilman Bill Keogh was quoted as saying the race was "the most respectful and informative campaign in Burlington in a long time."


Governors Split on Advancing Our Elections
IL governor signs National Popular Vote, VT governor vetoes majority voting
On April 4, Vermont governor Jim Douglas chose to veto legislation to re-establish majority elections for Congress in his state through instant runoff voting. Vermont would have been the first state to enact IRV for Congress; legislative leaders affirmed their commitment to the bill, and it is sure to move in the state again. FairVote has worked hard to support this legislation, which likely generated more than 600 phone calls to the governor from Vermonters.

On April 7, Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich signed legislation entering Illinois into the National Popular Vote plan for president. The NPV plan now has states making up more than a sixth of what it will take for the plan to go into affect. It also has passed fully a sixth of our nation's state legislative chambers, including most recently in Maine, Vermont and Hawaii.

[AP/Boston Globe Article on the Veto]
[Vermont Public Radio on the Veto]
[Brattleboro Reformer Editorial]
[More on IRV in Vermont]
[National Popular Vote Plan]
[FairVote's Presidential Elections Page]
[Hendrik Hertzberg rips Gov. Douglas in his blog ]

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My Turn: Instant runoff an election improvement

By Andrew Mack
Published April 28th 2007 in Burlington Free Press
On April 17 the lead editorial attempted to discredit the value of instant runoff voting mainly by citing the few times that a candidate with a plurality (most votes) but less than a majority (at least 50 percent plus one of the votes) has been elected. There are several misguided statements plus a major omission in the piece.

First, the impact of a third (or more) party candidate is enhanced, not weakened. Usually, there are two candidates (one more major) who are more similar than a third major candidate. The weaker candidate will actually receive, on the first ballot, a vote total more in line with what voters actually think.

This is because "strategic voting," voting for a major candidate other than your first choice because you're worried about electing the other major candidate, is no longer needed. Voters who prefer the "third" candidate can vote for a least viable candidate as their first choice without fear of electing the candidate they want the least.

The editorial states (without explanation) that strategic voting will move down the ballot, but this is simply not so. Suppose a voter likes Ralph Nader. He puts him first, Al Gore second as the closest to his first choice, and George W. Bush last as his last choice. Nader is eliminated on the first ballot, and most of his first-place votes will go to the candidate who is closest to him, Gore. His vote has not been wasted, nor has his vote against Bush resulted in Bush's election. If he leaves the third choice blank, meaning no vote for Bush, this is still honest, not strategic, because he wouldn't vote for Bush if he were the only choice anyway.

Another statement that is at least misguided, if not simply in error, is that instant runoff voting violates the principle of one-man one-vote. In each stage of the vote counting, each voter has voted for only one candidate. Stating who you would prefer if your first choice is eliminated is still voting for one candidate. In each stage, each voter casts one vote for one candidate, as they would in non-instant runoff.

Rather, a genuine positive aspect of instant runoff voting is this: Instead of holding the second (runoff) election at a later date, it's held the same date, with the voters in the same frame of mind at the end of the campaign. It is well known that subsequent elections never attract as many voters as the first. Also, voters may change their mind between the election and the run-off, after the initial campaign is over, violating fairness criteria.

The biggest positive effect of instant runoff voting is that the lack of strategic voting informs the campaign debate. All candidates can now state their positions without worry of voter strategy. A more informed debate promises a more honest election. And even the most skeptical voter must admit that the problem of specious, strategic campaigning is, in fact, a major flaw in our present system. Presently, candidates prefer to espouse safe platitudes, and rarely have honest discussions of issues. This is where our "crisis of confidence" lies.

Lastly, instant runoff voting solves the major problem of less-than-majority results. Without instant runoff voting, a candidate who receives the most last-place votes can be elected. Lt. Gov. Brian Dubie was elected, even though 60-plus percent voted against him. With instant runoff voting, the candidate whom the voters like the least is not elected.

I refer the reader to Excursions in Modern Mathematics (Tannenbaum), where these effects are discussed at greater length and instant runoff voting is correctly referred to as Plurality with Elimination.

Andrew Mack of Burlington is a mathematics teacher at Burlington High School.

Campaign Resources from the Successful IRV Campaign in Burlington, VT
[Advertisement placed in newspapers by local IRV Advocates]