IRV Commentary
July 18th 2003
Nader Factor Again?
Trenton Times

Instant runoff voting (IRV) is posed to remedy the spoiler effect in place of encouraging third party candidates like Ralph Nader not to run.

July 1st 2003
Hendrik Hertzberg on Democracy
New Yorker

A collection of qoutes from FairVote board member Hendrik Hertzberg, highlighting instant runoff voting and proportional representation.

June 13th 2003
Fulfill the will of the voters
San Francisco Chronicle

Instant runoff voting -- whereby voters pick not only their first but secondary choices -- will eliminate the costly and poorly attended runoffs that have become a fixture of San Francisco elections.

May 29th 2003
Local Comment: A better way for state to vote

Commentary supports letting Michigan voters decide whether or not to use instant runoff voting.

April 30th 2003
Evening in America: In our winner-take-all electoral system, the big loser is democracy
San Francisco Bay Guardian

Apathy is not the major reason for America's electoral problems. FairVote's Steven Hill points to the voting system as the cause.

April 29th 2003
Making every vote count
Utne Reader

Instant Runoff Voting is pegged as the system of the future as it best accounts for voter choice and encourages third parties to run.

April 14th 2003
'Choice Voting' gives students representation, reason to vote
Oregon Daily Emerald

John Russell advocates choice voting for student governments to counteract the voter apathy so apparent among young people.

April 13th 2003
Reflecting the Electorate

Fairvote's Rob Ritchie and Steven Hill comment on the "winner take all" politics that has swept the nation.

February 23rd 2003
Who's your (real) favorite candidate?
Guerrilla News Network

An example of how instant runoff voting could have made the 2000 election both easy and accurate, allowing for each vote to count in the election process.

February 19th 2003
Support grows for switch to run-off voting
Portland Press Herald

Instant runoff voting (IRV) is said to be the most efficient and democratic election system, and its establishing in Maine should be studied.

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