HJR 620
Background and Procedural Information

On January 10, 2008 Virginia Democratic House Delegate Kristen Amundson introduced Virginia House Joint Resolution 620 (VA H.J.R. 620).  ).  As of June 11, 2008 the bill is currently stalled in committee.  VA H.J.R. 620 would establish a five person independent commission that would present a plan for redistricting the Virginia legislative and congressional districts.   

Under the proposed legislation, are single-member districts a requirement or otherwise implied?

No.  Single-member districts are neither required nor otherwise implied.   

Does the proposed legislation provide for Voting Rights Act compliance (e.g. can the commission use voter history information)?

No.  There is no standard that instructs the commission to comply with the Voting Rights Act.  Also the commission has no restrictions on its ability to use voter history information.

Under the proposed legislation, how is the commission formed?

The Majority and Minority Leaders from the Virginia House of Delegates and Senate will each appoint one commissioner.  These four commissioners will then appoint a fifth and final commissioner to serve as the chairperson of the commission.  The Chairperson must not be affiliated with any political party.  If the commission cannot agree on a plan then any plan receiving favorable votes will be submitted to the Supreme Court, which will then choose a redistricting plan.
Under the proposed legislation, are competitive districts favored?

No.  While there are standards the redistricting commission is required to use, fostering competition within the districts is not one of these criteria.   

Under the proposed legislation, can members of the public submit plans?

Yes.  Members of the public may attend a minimum of three public hearings and submit plans at these hearings.  However, the Commission will only look at plans “Subject to the constraints of time and convenience.”   

Does the proposed legislation allow for mid-decade redistricting?

Yes.  The commission will be reconstituted within the decade, but only if a court orders it.   
January 23rd 2002
State lawmakers carve out their own districts
The Hill

The father of a Georgia House candidate may have used his power in the state legislature to draw a district for his son; Rob Richie notes a trend in redistricting being used to protect incumbents.

June 19th 2001
Remuddling the House Needed: smaller districts and no 'safe seats'
Christian Science Monitor

The editorial discusses the redistricting that will occur following the 2000 census, noting ways in which the public may ensure a fair and decent process.

March 1st 2001
Redistricting Will Be a Lawyer's Dream - and a Voter Nightmare

As massive gerrymandering follows the 2000 census, Rob Richie and Steven Hill recommend taking responsibility for drawing boundaries out of incumbents' hands, or switching to multi-member districts.

November 7th 2000
Race for Congress leaves 90% out
USA Today

Due to excessive gerrymandering, elections in the US have become increasingly uncompetitive - less than 10% of the nation's voters have any real voice in the upcoming House elections.

November 3rd 2000
The House Incumbent. He can't lose.

Fairvote's Rob Richie comments in a recent piece in Slate on the rising trend of 'safe incumbents' facing severely handicapped competitors.

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