North Carolina Redistricting Watch SB 430
Background and procedural information
Senate Bill SB 430, introduced by Republican John Blust, proposed amending Art. II § 3 of the state constitution and changing the redistricting committee. The proposal failed.

Under the proposed legislation, are single-member districts a requirement or otherwise implied?

No. Although there is no outright ban on multi-member districts, the bill states the commission shall refrain from creating multi-member districts unless the district is drawn to “advance a compelling governmental interest.”

Does the proposed legislation provide for Voting Rights Act compliance (e.g. can the commission use voter history information)?
Yes. The bill prohibits the commission from considering the political affiliation of the voters, voting data from previous elections, and the location of incumbents’ residences, but make an exception for compliance with federal law.

Under the proposed legislation, how is the commission formed?
The nine-member commission will be appointed in the following manner: Two by the Chief Justice of the State Supreme Court (representing two different political parties), three by the governor, with no more than two sharing the same party, two by the Speaker of the House (representing two different political parties) and two by the Senate Pro Tempore (representing two different political parties).

Under the proposed legislation, are competitive districts favored?

Under the proposed legislation, can members of the public submit plans?
Possibly. There is no express prohibition, but public submittal is also not expressly allowed. Further, North Carolina currently allows public access to a redistricting computer system, but it is unclear whether the redistricting committees would consider the plans created by the public.

Does the proposed legislation allow for mid-decade redistricting?
No. Once established, the districts cannot be redrawn until the next decennial census.

*Note: A proposal may be neutral on whether or not to favor competitive districts for a number of reasons, including that such a requirement may be thought to conflict with other criteria, potentially create other legal issues, or is assumed to flow from the new process itself -- or it might merely not be a priority for the legislative sponsors. FairVote believes that some form of proportional voting is needed to ensure maximum competitiveness for each seat and to ensure meaningful choices for all voters.
May 8th 2003
The State of Democracy in California
Steven Hill's Written Testimony Before the California HAVA Commission

FairVote's Steven Hill provided this testimony to Califronia's commission on implementing the Help America Vote Act.

January 22nd 2003
Court orders redrawing of election map
New Jersey Star-Ledger

Republicans score a victory as Democrat-drawn boundaries in Newark and Jersey city are found to violate the state constitution and, possibility, dilute the minority vote.

November 13th 2002
Ruining the House

Currently, the House has become much less competitive and less likely to change compared to the Senate due to redistricting and gerrymandering politics.

November 10th 2002
'Safe Seats' Cheat the Voters
Los Angeles Times

Drawing new district lines to provide "safe" seats is harmful for California, as it is impossible to holds lawmakers accountable and create real competition.

November 8th 2002
Incumbent protection racket worked well Tuesday
USA Today

The author advocates turning over power for redistricting to an impartial body rather than investing it with political figures who create uncontestable seats.

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