IRV Editorials
October 23rd 2007
Instant Runoff
Winston-Salem Journal

Editorial proclaiming the success of Cary's (NC) instant runoff voting election: "If the Hendersonville vote next month is as successful as the Cary one, legislators should make this available statewide."

October 22nd 2007
Instant runoff voting could be antidote to historically low turnout.
The Fayetteville Observer

Editorial discussing how instant runoff voting has revitalized voter turnout in Cary (NC), and would put to good use in primary elections.

October 22nd 2007
A bit confusing, a lot better
Wilmington Star News

Editorial calling for Wilmington (NC) to follow in Cary's footsteps and try IRV to better "reflect the desires of the voters."

October 22nd 2007
'Yes' on instant runoff voting
Herald Tribune

Local editorial on why instant runoff voting could be a good option for Sarasota (FL), and "deserves to be approved."

October 9th 2007
Finally, A Useful Election Reform
The Leland Tribune

John Hood, president of the John Locke Foundation, expresses his strong support for instant runoff voting.

October 6th 2007
The count in Cary
Raleigh News & Observer

The Raleigh News & Observer says of Cary's experiment with IRV: "score one for democracy."

October 1st 2007
Editorial: State should help city implement IRV
Minneapolis Star-Tribune

The Star-Tribune endorses instant runoff voting for city elections, adding the system is one that "many Minnesotans think would serve the state well."

September 25th 2007
Charter changes: Some good, some, uh �
Santa Fe New Mexican

The Santa Fe New Mexican gets behind instant runoff voting, "a sophisticated concept, but this is a city of sophisticated voters."

September 22nd 2007
My view: City to discuss reforms on Wednesday
Santa Fe New Mexican

The chairman of a Santa Fe commission singles out IRV as an important reform that can save taxpayer money and ensure majority rule.

August 24th 2007
Aspen's ready for Instant Runoff Voting
The Aspen Times

The Aspen Times comes out in favor of IRV

July 27th 2007
Quit mucking around with RCV voting
The News Tribune

The News Tribune wants the Pierce County Council to give the voters what they asked for, and not delay implementation of ranked choice voting.

July 26th 2007
Get St. Paul in on instant runoff voting
Star Tribune

Editorial supports Instant Runoff Voting, indicating it would change Minnesota democracy for the better.

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