Electoral Replacements
In almost every state today, electors are permitted to appoint their own replacements if they cannot show up on the day electors convene and vote in their state's capital.  Sometimes, the replacements are literally found by roaming the halls in search for candidates, as was Mr. J. J. Levy of Michigan in 1948.  However, when the vote was actually taking place for Michigan that year, Mr. Levy had to be restrained by the other electors – pledged to Thomas Dewey and Earl Warren - from voting for Harry Truman and Alben Barkely.  Evidentially believing in the premise of a direct election Levy was later quoted as saying: “I thought we had to vote for the winning candidate.”

Electoral Tie

Favorite Son Effect

A Few States Wins

Constitutional Residence

State Size

Special Interests

Power of State Legislatures

Unlucky Luck

Ignoring Your Vote

More Options

Vague Values

Electoral College Table of Contents
June 9th 2008
Will states topple Electoral College?

Profile of increasingly strong campaign for a National Popular Vote for president.

May 30th 2008
Popular vote campaign gains popularity
Boston Herald

Columnist touts National Popular Vote plan for Massachusetts.

May 28th 2008
Presidents by National Popular Vote and Early Registration for Teens
Providence Journal

Major items on the FairVote RI agenda moved forward after securing passage on the RI Senate floor

May 28th 2008
Assembly Briefs
Providence Journal

News article on Rhode Island state senate handily passing the National Popular Vote and advance voter registration.

May 20th 2008
Democracy versus the Electoral College
Global Politician

Commentary promotes direct election of the president.

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