HCR 2026

Background and Procedural Information

Republican Representative Jonathan Patton introduced House Concurrent Resolution 2026 on January 17, 2008.  The bill attempts to change Arizona’s five-person independent redistricting commission into an elected body where each U.S. Congressional district elects one commissioner.  The Arizona House of Representatives passed the Resolution on March 26, 2008.  As of July 21, 2008 it failed to pass out of the Senate Committee on Appropriations.   

Under the proposed legislation, are single-member districts a requirement or otherwise implied?

Partially.  The bill requires that there will be 30 legislative districts that each containing one Senator and two Representatives.    

Does the proposed legislation provide for Voting Rights Act compliance (e.g. can the commission use voter history information)?

Yes.  H.C.R. 2026 lists six priorities in order of importance that commissioners should use to develop districts.  The second most important priority is compliance with the U.S. Constitution and the Voting Rights Act.  Party registration and voting history data are to be excluded from the initial phase of the mapping process but may be used to test maps for compliance with the above goals. The places of residence of incumbents or candidates will not be identified or considered. 

Under the proposed legislation, how is the commission formed?

Each U.S. Congressional district will elect one commissioner in years ending in zero.  There are no restrictions on the party affiliation of the commissioners.

Under the proposed legislation, are competitive districts favored?

H.C.R. 2026 lists six priorities in order of importance that commissioners should use to develop districts.  The sixth priority is for competitive districts.  Competitive districts should be used only when they do not interfere with the other five goals.  

Under the proposed legislation, can members of the public submit plans?

No.  The independent redistricting commission will advertise a draft map of congressional districts and a draft map of legislative districts to the public for comment.  The public can then comment for make a comment for 30 days.  

Does the proposed legislation allow for mid-decade redistricting?

Yes.  Mid-decade redistricting is not mentioned, but there are no restrictions preventing it from being used.  

February 5th 2004
Should Single-Member Districting Be Held Unconstitutional?

Law professor argues that it's time for full representation.

December 9th 2003
Justices to Hear Pennsylvania Redistricting Case
Associated Press

September 25th 2003
The Challenges to Creating a New Democratic Majority

Stephen Hill makes the case that while demographic trends favour the Democratic party, the winner-take-all electoral system continues to favour Republicans.

July 1st 2003
Drawing the Line On Redistricting
Washington Post

Steven Hill and Rob Richie write that creating multi-member districts is the best way to curb the abuses of gerrymandering for congressional seats.

May 29th 2003
Matters of proportion
Christian Science Monitor

The winner take all system is an outlier in world democracies and must be remedied through a proportional voting system.

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