In the News
June 12th 2006
Recipe For A Fair Election

Steven Hill gives possible solutions to the problems he discussed in "Election Security 2006".

June 8th 2006
Fighting for a Fair Vote
The Nation

Candidates across the country are running for secretary of state for the purpose of reforming their states' election practices.

June 5th 2006
Election Security 2006

Steven Hill describes the major flaws in our current election system and advocates an ideology of long term visionary reform.

June 5th 2006
Removing Obstacles From the Right to Vote
New York Times

Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr. argues that the most significant hurdle to fixing flawed elections is our lack of a constitutionally protected right to vote.

May 30th 2006
Block the Vote
New York Times

New York Times editorial reminds lawmakers that preventing voter fraud should not be at odds with protecting voting rights.

May 22nd 2006
District of Columbia: a civil rights issue

Jack Kemp calls on Republicans to support congressional representation for citizens of the District of Columbia.

May 17th 2006
Eliminating 146 polls is no solution
The Wichita Eagle

America needs to go back to the drawing board for comprehensive election reform, argues FairVote's Ryan O'Donnell in the wake of Wichita's decision to close 70% of its polling places.

May 5th 2006
Felons' right to vote goes to the ballot

Voting rights for felons on probation or parole will be on the ballot in Rhode Island this fall.

April 19th 2006
Bill would let 16-year-olds register to vote
Boston Globe

Rhode Island legislation calls for lowering the voter registration age to 16 years old.

April 19th 2006
Bill lets 16-year-olds preregister to vote
Providence Journal

Supported by FairVote Executive Director Rob Richie, Rhode Island legislator introduces a bill to lower the voter registration age to 16 from 18.

April 6th 2006
Voters' Ed
New York Times

FairVote Board Chair John Anderson and U.S. Election Assistance Commissioner Ray Martinez call for automatic voter registration for high school seniors.

March 21st 2006
Secretaries of State Urge Their Own to Be Apolitical

Secretaries of State introduce pledge to depoliticize the position on a nationwide basis.

February 6th 2006
The Right to Vote
The Nation

Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr. argues for a constitutional amendment protecting the right to vote.

January 29th 2006
FAIR Treatment for D.C. Voters
Washington Post

D.C. Vote's Ilir Zherka advocates for the D.C. FAIR Act. Endorsed by FairVote, this act will give the District of Columbia a representative in the U.S. House as well as temporarily add an at-large Congressional seat in Utah.

December 22nd 2005
Louisiana's Electoral Disaster
Washington Post

Postponed elections, faulty voter rolls, and FEMA intransigence dilute Louisiana democracy. FairVote's Rob Richie and Ryan O'Donnell make the case for reforms including universal voter registration and ranked choice absentee ballots.

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