Younger, taller and better looking

By Ken Gordon
Published August 29th 2006 in Cherry Creek News
Everyone who runs for public office is made up of some mix of ego and desire to serve. If the public is lucky there is more desire to do something good than ego. That is how I have tried to be. But every once in a while, you hope you can get some recognition. It is chancy though. The press is fickle and there is always someone younger, taller and better looking.

So I was pleased the other day when I got a phone call from a reporter at a respected New York magazine. "Thank you so much for calling back," she said. "We are writing about Colorado, and everyone said you were the perfect person to talk to."

"I'm glad to help," I replied, feeling that little warm glow that comes when you feel you are getting a little appreciation. "What can I do for you?"

"We are doing a profile on Andrew Romanoff. Can you give us a quote?"

 Money on the Internet: Last week, we sent out an email asking people to contribute to the campaign. We need to raise $15,000 before the close of the reporting deadline, Wednesday, August 30th. As of this writing we have raised $12,700, with two days left. This is very good, considering that we don't take money from special interest PACs. The reporting period ends in two days, so please go online and make a contribution of $25, $50, or whatever you can afford. A final push will put us over the goal.

A good showing will be that much more impressive because we are not taking special interest PAC money. These fundraising reports are frequently written about in the paper, and some people judge how a campaign is doing by how much money they are raising. I personally find this frustrating, but it is one measure of support.

Instant Runoff Voting: There is an election reform proposal called instant runoff voting that I believe has merit. Under this proposal, people can rank their top two or three choices and if the first choice does not get over 50%, then the second choice becomes their vote. This would allow people in the Libertarian or Green Party, for instance, to vote for their favorite candidate without concern that they are helping their least favorite candidate. For instance, a Libertarian could vote for the Libertarian candidate first, and the Republican second. Right now someone who prefers the Libertarian might feel that they have to support the Republican because they are afraid that they would be helping the Democrat by voting for a third party. This is a reform that does not have a slant for or against either major party, but it will give voters a choice they don't currently have. If it existed nationally in Presidential elections, it might have helped George Bush, the father, in his race against Bill Clinton, because of the Perot factor; and if it had existed in 2000, it might have helped Al Gore against George Bush, the son, because of the Nader factor. Washington and North Carolina have created pilot projects. I believe it will encourage more voter participation, which I strongly favor.

Bumper Stickers: Some of you have bumper stickers that are not yet on your cars. You know who you are. If it is the picture that is bothering you, you have my permission to cut it off. Anne McGihon would only put the sticker on without the picture. She thought the beard scared people. If the bumper sticker is sitting on the counter between your kitchen and the dining room, and has been covered up by the recent edition of Better Homes and Gardens, see if you can find it and get it on your car. The bumper stickers are high-quality, and they come off easily.

Name-recognition is important in this race, and every bumper sticker helps. Thanks for your support. If you don't have a sticker, and want one just let me know by replying to this message. 

We are trying very hard to win this Secretary of State race. I want to increase citizen participation, reduce negative campaigning, reduce the influence of wealthy special interests, and change our Constitution so that we draw legislative districts in a fair way.

Pericles said, "Just because you are not interested in politics does not mean that politics is not interested in you."

I hope you are well. Please write with any comments or questions.
