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National Popular Vote poised for big 2009
21 legislative chamber adopt it, NAACP endorses
The National Popular Vote plan has now passed 21 state legislative chambers – most recently both chambers in Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Meanwhile, civic support keeps growing, with delegates at the NAACP convention in July voting to endorse the proposal. With four states having adopted the plan, expect significant progress in 2009 , with greater urgency for legislatures to take action in order for enough states to pass it to establish a national popular vote based on voter equality in 2012.

Working with National Popular Vote and allies like Common Cause, FairVote plays a central role in this effort with research, education and advocacy. FairVote Rhode Island worked tireless in outreach to legislators and newspaper commentary. FairVote North Carolina’s Torrey Dixon sparked the NAACP resolution, including presenting the case on the floor of the convention. FairVote director Rob Richie was a panelist at a recent Netroots Nation panel and participated in the exhibit booth at the annual National Conference of State Legislatures convention. Fellow Laura Kirshner regularly publishes commentary and is overseeing a new round of research. Stay tuned!

NEW:  Lincoln Chafee & FairVote's Ari Savitzky co-author Providence Journal commentary
Press release by FairVote RI’s Ari Savitzky
FairVote commentary in Woonsocket Call, Detroit Free Press and Sharon Advocate
NAACP Resolution to support National Popular Vote
Netroots Nation page on National Popular Vote panel
Poll showing 79% favor a popular vote for president
National Popular Vote

Advances for Ranked Choice Voting Coast to Coast
Win for IRV in NC and progress in NY, OH, CA, TN and more
In North Carolina, the state legislature on July 18 sent to the governor legislation to extend the current pilot program for IRV in localities in the wake of highly successful IRV elections in 2007 and an endorsement from the League of Women Voters of NC. In Memphis (TN), a charter commission has placed IRV on the November ballot, one among several upcoming IRV measures around the nation. In Long Beach (CA), the Long Beach Press Telegram endorsed the city election director's proposal for IRV.  This fall's five leading candidates for president all have been active supporters of IRV, while the student-run Roosevelt Institution's new25 Ideas for Electoral Reform features two proposals for instant runoff voting.

The Cincinnati NAACP is promoting a 2008 ballot measure to enact the choice voting method of proportional voting for city council elections, while lawyers for the Brennan Center for Justice this month will present FairVote’s amicus briefs arguing for choice voting in a federal voting rights case in Port Chester (NY).

[NC Votes 1-2-3, a strong coalition of organizations and individuals supporting IRV in North Carolina]

[Long Beach Press Telegram editorial endorsing IRV for Long Beach, CA]
[Roosevelt Institution]
[Cincinnati NAACP]
[Brennan Center for Justice]
[FairVote's amicus brief from the Port Chester (NY) voting rights case]
[See FairVote Executive Director Rob Richie's blog for more on this progress]

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Featured Media:

August 10th 2009
Commentary: A cure for the political nomination process
Cleveland Plain Dealer

FairVote's Rob Richie and Paul Fidalgo offer a way to give everyone a say in presidential nominations while retaining the valuable state-by-state evaluation process. This piece also ran in McClatchy's newswire.

October 29th 2009
Plurality voting rule is the real election spoiler
Baltimore Sun

In the midst of 3-way races in NJ and NY, FairVote board member and 1980 presidential candidate John Anderson makes the case for IRV over our flawed plurality system.

October 19th 2009
A better election system
Lowell Sun

Election expert Doug Amy explains how choice voting can "inject new blood" into the elections of Lowell (MA), and give voters a greater incentive to participate.

October 19th 2009
Mandatory Voting? Automatic Registration? How Un-American!
Huffington Post

President of Air America Media, Mark Green, explains why Instant Runoff Voting, Automatic Registration and Mandatory Voting are not only important but could lead to a more democratic society.