IRV in the News
March 11th 2009
Jay Benanav and Jane Prince: Instant-Runoff Voting belongs on the ballot this fall in St. Paul
The Pioneer Press

Op-ed by former St. Paul Council Member Jay Benanav and his former legislative aide Jane Prince on why St. Paul voters should adopt instant runoff voting, which should be on the ballot this fall.

March 10th 2009
Let's start instant runoffs and cut our election costs
Los Angeles Daily News

Los Angeles City Councilman Jos� Huizar proposes instant runoff voting as the solution to the city's problems with runoff costs and voter fatigue.

March 10th 2009
Aspen council adopts instant runoff voting method
Aspen Times

The Aspen City Council voted to adopt a unique method of instant runoff voting for Mayoral and City Council races.

March 10th 2009
Letters to the Editor
Burlington Free Press

Letters to the Editor in the Burlington Free Press praising the city's recent instant runoff voting method.

March 9th 2009
A look at instant-runoff voting
Daily Freeman-Journal

Daily Freeman-Journal writer Andy Hallman talks about the difficulties third parties have in American elections. He advocates for instant runoff voting as a solution.

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