February 5th 2006
Ranked voting: Less money, more turnout
San Francisco Examiner

FairVote's California representative Christopher Jerdonek co-authored this piece highlighting how San Francisco's use of IRV was highly successful, having increased turnout markedly.

February 2nd 2006
LPV means election related violence in PNG is a thing of the past
Radio New Zealand International

The anti-corruption group, Transparency International, says Papua New Guinea's use of instant runoff voting has dramatically reduced election-related violence.

January 26th 2006
A vote on voting
Southwest Journal

The Better Ballot Campaign in Minneapolis is aiming to amend the city election ballot this fall by asking voters if they want future elections to include instant runoff voting.

January 20th 2006
Instant runoff system needed for SGA elections
The Crimson White - University of Alabama

This University of Alabama student argues that his school should implement IRV to ensure a fair and democratic election and increase student participation.

January 16th 2006
Instant runoff solves issue of spoilers
Barre-Montpeiler Times-Argus (in Vermont's capital city)

This Vermont writer shows IRV fosters diverse political debate by allowing voters to vote their consciences without having to second-guess the outcome.

January 11th 2006
Party, Party, Party
Seven Days

In this oped, Bill Mckibben shows how IRV could open up Vermont's politics, and bridge the growing rift between voters and their parties.

January 10th 2006
Humboldt Voters Association forms to advocate ranked-choice voting
Eureka Reporter

On the heals of another successful IRV elections in San Francisco, a new voter reform group has formed in hopes of revitalizing efforts to bring ranked-choice voting to Humboldt County, CA.

December 23rd 2005
Not an Off Year for Political Candidates
Asian Week

Ranked Choice Voting used in San Francisco allowed two Asian-American candidates to run and voters to vote their conscience without splitting the Asian-American vote

December 22nd 2005
Louisiana's Electoral Disaster
Washington Post

Postponed elections, faulty voter rolls, and FEMA intransigence dilute Louisiana democracy. FairVote's Rob Richie and Ryan O'Donnell make the case for reforms including universal voter registration and ranked choice absentee ballots.

December 20th 2005
'Top Two' ballot method would restrict choice
Eugene Register Guard

This commmentary criticizes Oregon's proposed top-two primary system, and recommends instant runoff voting instead. Under IRV, voters would have choices that would otherwise be limited uner the top-two system.

December 16th 2005
Ballot-Box Blues?
Student Leader

An article appearing in a publication of the American Student Government Association that outlines alternative voting methods, such as IRV, STV, and FPTP, and analyzes the applicability of these systems to student elections.

December 13th 2005
A Voter's Bill of Rights

Candidate for Massachusetts Secretary of State John Bonifaz sets out a ten point agenda for fairer elections and greater voter choice, including instant runoff voting, proportional representation, and a constitutionally-protected right to vote.

December 9th 2005
More Choice in Elections
The New York Times

FairVote Chairman, John Anderson, praises Connecticut's step forward on public financing of elections but criticizes provisions that restrict third parties and independents, while calling for instant runoff voting and proportional voting.

December 6th 2005
Voter disaffection an opening for third party?

FairVote's Rob Richie is quoted on the growing desire for independent politics and voter choice in this fascinating discussion of the history of third parties.

December 4th 2005
Voting Machines and Instant Runoffs
New York Times

In this letter to the editor, Steven Abramson says New York state must act to ensure electronic voting machines can run IRV software.

November 24th 2005
Majority rule making comeback
The Baltimore Sun

FairVote's Ryan O'Donnell shows how the IRV win in Takoma Park could be a model for the rest of Maryland.

November 23rd 2005
Smells like a smart system for state's primary elections
Seattle Times

FairVote board member, Krist Novoselic, argues that a ranked choice voting system could solve many of conflicts that have arisen in the course of Washington state's attempts to adopt a top-two primary system.

November 20th 2005
Why we need runoff voting
Trenton Times

Editorial: Citizens who want to make certain that their votes are effective should demand that their lawmakers enact IRV.

November 18th 2005
GI voting may be answer
The Daily Avertiser

This letter argues that displaced Lousiana voters should have the ability to cast ranked-choice absentee ballots, as military and overseas residents in the state now do.

November 15th 2005
APAs in S. F.: Rank the Vote!

Ting and Cheu of asianweek.com provide readers a simple description of how the new ranked-choice voting system works and how they can make their vote count in the upcoming November elections.

November 15th 2005
TOPIC OF THE DAY: Third-party influence
The Asbury Park Press

In this letter, Steve Welzer exposes spoiler problems in New Jersey and urges support for IRV.

November 14th 2005
Would runoff system be worthwhile here?
The Annapolis Capital

In an opinion story about IRV, The Annapolis Capital cites the recent victories in Takoma Park and urges Annapolis, MD to consider such reforms.

November 11th 2005
The promise of a majority count
The Takoma Park Gazette

On a ballot question, voters in Takoma Park, MD overwhelmingly approved looking into a new way of electing their city council and mayor with instant runoff voting. FairVote's Rob Richie quoted.

November 10th 2005
Cisneros, Ting win first elections
Bay Area Reporter

Instant runoff voting prompts San Francisco to move up its elections after IRV eliminated the need for a costly second round runoff. Also, Phil Ting wins as City Assessor with a majority and without splitting the Asian American vote between his oppon

November 9th 2005
Porter wins fifth term as Takoma Park mayor
The Takoma Park Gazette

On November 8th, Takoma Park residents voted for their mayor and a ballot referendum. 84% of voters voted for the proposal to have future city elections use instant runoff voting; another victory for IRV.

November 9th 2005
Casting ballots, speaking out
The Takoma Park Gazette

Reporter Sean Sands interviews Takoma Park voters who support IRV and discusses other voting issues, like voter turnout and electronic voting.

November 9th 2005
Incumbent smiles match mayoral grin
San Francisco

In San Francisco, IRV may help Phil Ting be elected as Assessor-Recorder with a majority of support while not splitting the Asian American vote.

November 9th 2005
Assessor-recorder Ting close to winning assessor race
The San Francisco Examiner

Since no candidate won more than 50 percent of the vote in the San Francisco Assessor-Recorder race, the instant run-off voting system will be used in the race.

November 9th 2005
Takoma Park Voters Back Candidate Ranking System
Capital News Services

IRV is endorsed overwhelmingly by voters in Takoma Park, as this article reports with comments by FairVote's Rob Richie.

November 6th 2005
N.J., Va. Governor Campaigns Get Nasty
AP National

FairVote's Rob Richie quoted in this article covering the negative campaigning saturating 2005's off-year gubernatorial races.

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