June 24th 2006
Nine proposals are plenty, charter review folk decide
News Tribune

Most recent update on the charter reform package in Pierce County, Washington, which is considering instant runoff voting as one of its many reforms.

June 23rd 2006
Electoral and popular votes
Washington Times

FairVote Executive Director Rob Richie's letter in the Washington Times underlines the value of establishing majority thresholds for winning executive offices in presidential elections.

June 22nd 2006

Bay City News Wire

Oakland City Council members called today for the city to have instant runoff voting

June 18th 2006
Charter changes now up to you
The News Tribune

Tacoma, Washington puts a proposal on the ballot to use instant runoff voting to elect county officials.

June 16th 2006
What about instant runoffs?
Pasadena Weekly

Instant runoff voting being considered for Board of Education member elections in Pasadena, CA.

June 15th 2006
Ballot Is Open If Mayor Opts For Campaign
The New York Sun

FairVote Chair John Anderson is quoted on the possibility of New York's Michael Bloomberg running as an independent candidate.

June 15th 2006
Southern States Employ Ranked-Choice Voting to Meet Short Timetables

Electiononline newsletter quotes FairVote director Rob Richie and applauds the use of Instant Runoff Voting for overseas and military voters.

June 14th 2006
For Voters, It Often Boiled Down to Electability vs. Allegiance

Less than 1% of registered voters turned out to vote in Virginia U.S. Senate Democratic Primary , demonstrating why the use of ranked ballots in consolidated primaries makes sense.

June 14th 2006
Council OKs look at reform
Mercury News

Sunnyvale voted unanimously Tuesday to consider a sweeping range of election reforms, including instant runoff voting

June 9th 2006
New math for elections
The Plainfield Sun

The Ann Arbor FairVote Coalition gaining momentum following presentation by local activist Tim Tacker.

June 9th 2006
County buys $13.25million voting system

Alameda County set to use large sum of money to develop instant runoff voting in municipalities.

June 5th 2006
City Council votes in favor of instant runoff voting
Minneapolis Skyway

Instant Runoff Voting earns a victory with the Minneapolis City Council, voting in overwhleming favor of the proposed law.

May 31st 2006
Letters: Choices for voters June 6

Sacramento County Representative Chuck O'Neil comments on the need for Sacramento to adopt Instant Runoff Voting (IRV).

May 30th 2006
Minneapolis may get to weigh instant-runoff voting
Star Tribune

St. Paul newspaper gives boost to IRV in Minneapolis. Article highlights all of the benefits provided by IRV and promotes it as a viable alternative to the current system.

May 30th 2006
'Instant Runoff' idea is gaining momentum
The Herald News

Illinois local paper touts the merits of IRV and references FairVote as one of its major promoters.

May 2nd 2006
Contingency Plans Made For Primary Voting
Today's THV

As part of the "Help America Vote Act" electronic machines are required in each county, Tuesday Secretary of State Charlie Daniels announced the firm hired to handle the new machines failed to do its job

April 26th 2006
Dover�s leaders study new voting system
The Dover Post

FairVote's Rob Richie is quoted in this article covering his recent presentation to Dover's Charter Review Commission, which is considering IRV.

April 25th 2006
Ohio Politics: There Is Another Way: Instant Runoff Voting Could Help Bridge the Divide
The Cleveland Free Times

An excellent letter-to-the-editor discussing how IRV can help solve the problem of split-voting as well as many other election issues.

April 20th 2006
Do the Math -- Instant Voter Runoff Adds Up for APAs
The Cause Report

Article describing pernicious vote-splitting among Asian American candidates in California, and how instant runoff voting can remedy the problem.

April 10th 2006
Charter commission works down list of issues
The News Tribune

An article fom Takoma, WA which reports that a Charter Review Commission in Pierce County will consider the possibility of using IRV.

April 4th 2006
Successful public election joins Diebold, free software

An article about the Burlington, VT IRV elections that quotes FairVote's Ryan O'Donnell and Caleb Kleppner.

April 4th 2006
My Turn: IRV works
Burlington Free Press

An opinion piece by a Democratic candidate for governor of Vermont, in favor of IRV

March 28th 2006
Instant runoff is the winner
Rutland Herald

A strong letter to the editor defending IRV in Burlington, VT, and pointing out its great success.

March 26th 2006
Ranked-choice primaries work
Montgomery Advertiser

A letter to the editor in favor of using Ranked Coice Ballots for overseas military voters.

March 22nd 2006
Senators Seek Smoother Military Voting
Associated Press

Twelve U.S. Senators call for improvements in overseas military voting.

March 22nd 2006
A new way of voting would give more choice
The Philadelphia Inquirer

Commentary by FairVote's Ryan O'Donnell shows how the fear of a spoiler can take certain issues out of the debate in a campaign, and how IRV solves this problem.

March 21st 2006
Student Association Elections Undemocratic
The Hoya, Georgetown University

FairVote intern Amber Krosel makes a strong case for instant runoff voting for student body president at Georgetown University.

March 19th 2006
Soldiers stationed overseas deserve a better ballot
The Birmingham News

A letter to the editor advocating that the Alabama State Senate join the House in adopting HB711, a bill that would allow overseas absentee voters to use ranked choice ballots.

March 19th 2006
Second-choice candidates deserve voters' scrutiny
The Rutland Herald (VT)

Leading state political analyst writes commentary arguing the positive impact of instant runoff voting in the Burlington mayoral race means it should be enacted for statewide elections.

March 16th 2006
House passes bill allowing military to cast special runoff ballot
Associated Press

The Alabama House approves HB 711, a bill allowing overseas military voters to use instant runoff voting absentee ballots to vote in runoff elections.

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