August 6th 2006
Oakland Voters to Decide Whether to Join Other California Cities in Using Instant Runoff Voting
California Progress Report

Oakland City Councilmember Patricia Kernighan discusses the importance of bringing IRV to Oakland. She was one of the council's two sponsors of legislation putting IRV on the ballot this November.

August 6th 2006
A better way to run a runoff?
Atlanta Journal Constitution

FairVote Research Fellow Ryan Griffin answers questions on the benefits of instant runoff voting in Georgia.

August 3rd 2006
Election to be held open for military votes
Boston Globe

State officials agreed Wednesday to hold open Connecticut's Aug. 8 federal primary elections until Aug. 25 to ensure that absentee ballots from residents serving overseas in the military are counted.

August 3rd 2006
Montana senator blocks Pentagon nominations over voting issue
Star News On-line

Sen. Conrad Burns, R-Mont., is blocking all civilian Pentagon nominations until the Defense Department makes it easier for members of the military serving overseas

August 2nd 2006
Instant runoff voting raises questions
Aspen Times

The City Council explored options Tuesday for instant runoff voting in Aspen. After hearing testimony from FairVote's Executive Director Rob Richie, the council looks to put IRV on the ballot in November.

August 2nd 2006
Justice Dept. Agreement Will Help Protect Rights of Military and Overseas Citizens to Vote in 2006 Connecticut Primary Elections

The Justice Department today announced that it has reached an agreement with Connecticut officials to help ensure that military and overseas voters have an opportunity to participate fully in the state's Aug. 8, 2006, federal primary election.

August 1st 2006
City may kill runoff elections
Aspen Daily News

Aspen voters may decide in November if they want to do away with runoff elections in mayoral and City Council elections, and adopt the system of instant runoff voting.

July 28th 2006
Justice Department Reaches Agreement With Pennsylvania to Protect Voting Rights of Military and Overseas Citizens

The Justice Department today announced that it has reached an agreement with Pennsylvania officials to help ensure that military and overseas voters have an opportunity to participate fully in the state's federal elections.

July 27th 2006
Third time's a charm for final approval of instant runoff pilots

North Carolina's state House joins the Senate in passing H.1024, a bill to implement instant runoff voting for statewide judicial office vacancy elections and to allow up to 10 cities and 10 counties to try IRV in 2007-2008.

July 25th 2006
Another idea
Courier Post On-line

Letter to the editor totes instant runoff voting as a means to address the "spoiler" effect of third party candidates.

July 24th 2006
Two elections, one trip to vote
Wilmington Star News

Editorial board of Wilmington Star News comes out in strong favor of using instant runoff voting for future North Carolina elections.

July 24th 2006
Long-Shot Candidates May Harm Cardin
Washington Post

Political analysts describe what they call "the Nader effect" of outsider "spoiler" candidates in the Democratic primary for U.S. Senate in Maryland this year. Instant runoff voting would be an obvious solution.

July 21st 2006
Instant-runoff voting a good idea
Contra Costa Times

Local League of Women's Voters member Judy Cox shares her support for IRV in Oakland in this letter to the editor.

July 20th 2006
Instant runoff bill, later runoff primary approved by N.C. Senate
Fox Carolina

The state Senate today agreed to allow up to 20 counties and cities to try instant runoff elections as a way to avoid costly and poorly attended runoff elections a month or two after primaries.

July 20th 2006
Electorate to decide on runoffs
Alameda Times-Star

More on Oakland's decision to put instant runoff voting on the ballot in the coming general election.

July 19th 2006
Oakland to vote to eliminate midyear primaries

The Oakland City Council, by a 7-2 vote, has decided that there will be an instant runoff voting proposition on the November ballot. Voters will decide if their city will join others in the Bay Area by consolodating their city elections.

July 19th 2006
Senate Approves 'Instant Runoffs'
Associated Press

The Associated Press covers the passage of instant runoff voting through the North Carolina Senate and describes the system's major advantages.

July 18th 2006
Voters may get to decide changes to elections format
San Francisco Chronicle

FairVote representative Chris Jerdonek is quoted on the merits of instant runoff voting in Oakland as the city council prepares to debate placing it on the November ballot.

July 17th 2006
Repairing American democracy
The Seattle Times

Syndicated columnist Neal Pierce profiles Steven Hill's new book 10 Steps to Repair American Democracy, which advocates several FairVote reform proposals including the right to vote, a national popular vote, instant runoff voting, and proportional re

July 16th 2006
California Progress Report

Article highlights the benfits of instant runoff voting as well as how close Oakland is to using the system.

July 12th 2006
Tuesday at the General Assembly
Associated Press

In unique fashion the AP covers a day in the North Carolina legislature, where a senate committee endorses the introduction of an instant runoff voting pilot program.

July 12th 2006
Instant Runoff Voting - A Step Towards A Healthier Democracy in California
California Progress Report

Oakland City attorney presents the case for instant runoff voting as a way to improve elections and democracy in California.

July 10th 2006
We keep on electing leaders by minority votes, but there is a solution
Portland Press Herald

Columnist Jim Brunelle calls for instant runoff voting for Maine's elections.

July 9th 2006
Break down barriers to minority parties
The Baltimore Sun

Ralph Nader advocates a variety of FairVote's reforms including instant runoff voting and proportional voting as well as an openness to third parties.

July 7th 2006
Council members weigh in on cost to city of downtown street project
The Brainerd Dispatch

Charter Commission in city of Brainerd(MN) to evaluate instant runoff voting after recommendation by city council.

July 7th 2006
Letter: Same song, second verse
The Daily Astorian

In response to the proposed �Top Two� initiative, the author emphasizes that instant runoff voting is preferable as it saves costs, protects minority candidates and elects candidates with a stronger mandate.

July 3rd 2006
Oakland Council Still Considering Instant Runoff Voting
Bay City News Wire

Oakland City Council will discuss instant runoff voting in its Rules Committee on July 13 and before the entire council on July 18. Proponents are trying to get IRV on the November ballot before the deadline.

July 1st 2006
Star-Tribune Netlets from Saturday, July 1

Cousins, a chair of FairVote MN points out why the state Independence Party had such a speedy convention. Hint: instant runoff voting.

June 30th 2006
City voters may yet see ranked picks
Oroville Mercury-Register

Update on the status of Oakland's possible use of IRV. It is being bounced around the city council and may come up for public discussion this coming month.

June 27th 2006
City officials to explore

Gainesville city commissioners unanimously approved plans to look into and start a community dialogue on "instant runoff voting,"

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