February 2nd 2007
Takoma Park Holds First Instant Run-off Vote Election in Maryland History
Baltimore Chronicle

FairVote exit poll findings cited in positive article about the first IRV election in Maryland.

February 2nd 2007
The Voter Choice Act of 2007: Democracy Lovers Rejoice!
Colorado Statesman

Colorado legislation would create study group for IRV and other advanced voting methods.

January 31st 2007
Snipper wins Takoma Park Ward 5 runoff election

Article cites FairVote exit poll highlighting Takoma Park's successful first IRV election.

January 30th 2007
County: Instant Run-Off Voting on Schedule
Berkeley Daily Planet

Alameda county should be ready for IRV elections in fall 2008.

January 29th 2007
The Work Cut Out for Us
The Nation

Strong praise in a book review of Steven Hill's 10 Steps to Repair American Democracy

January 26th 2007
Idea in progress
Portland (ME) Phoenix

State Representative calls for IRV in Maine.

January 24th 2007
Residents have week to object to petition
Iowa City Press-Citizen

Iowa town recognized IRV as the solution to plurality winners in mayoral elections.

January 24th 2007
Is Instant Runoff Voting (IRV) good for Nevada County voters?

A call for IRV in Nevada County, CA.

January 23rd 2007
Commission wrapping up charter review with vote
The New Mexican

Santa Fe Charter Review Commission recommends fall ballot question to approve Instant Runoff Voting.

January 18th 2007
Democrats unveil Wash state election reform measures
Seattle Post Intelligencer

FairVote board member Krist Novoselic campaigns for instant runoff voting and other reforms in his home state of Washington.

January 18th 2007
Jones wins PC nomination
Orangeville Citizen (Ontario)

Progressive Conservatives use IRV in nomination process for provincial election in Ontario.

January 18th 2007
Vote By Numbers
The New Haven Advocate

An interview with Caleb Kleppner about IRV.

January 12th 2007
Coming to a polling place near you: instant runoffs
Pelican Press

Coalition for Instant Runoff Elections gets IRV on the November ballot in Sarasota, FL.

January 3rd 2007
Ideas from away
Portland (ME) Phoenix

A call for IRV to solve the spoiler problem in Maine's gubernatorial elections.

January 3rd 2007
Instant runoff voting: speaking to voter needs
Seattle Times

FairVote board member Krist Novoselic on the November 2006 victory for instant runoff voting in Pierce County (WA) and how it will work there.

January 1st 2007
The IRV Debate Continues
Whole Life Times

FairVote IRV America Director Ryan Griffin argues that IRV is the best option for improving single winner elections.

December 25th 2006
'Instant Runoff' Voting Touted
Los Angeles Times

Article citing FairVote's work and instant runoff voting wins covers the history of proportional voting in the United States and the growing interest after ballot victories in Davis (CA) and Minneapolis (MN).

December 18th 2006
Many candidates, one race?
Kennebec Journal & Morning Sentinel

A call for IRV in Maine to deal with multiple-candidate election contests.

December 10th 2006
Instant runoff is a fair, smart voting process
Athens Banner-Herald

Strong support from county elections officials in Georgia for IRV.

December 7th 2006
New Changes in Store for 2007 Election
Islands Business International

Papua New Guinea will use IRV for 2007 parliamentary elections.

December 7th 2006
Elections option might go to voters
St. Paul Pioneer Press

A month after voters approved instant-runoff voting in Minneapolis, citizens of St. Paul are considering a similar campaign.

December 3rd 2006
Disconnect shown anew in election
Sacramento Bee

After low voter turnout in the last election, the author recommends IRV and proportional voting as ways for government to be more connected and representative of their constituencies.

December 3rd 2006
Campaign 2006 and Bringing Instant Runoff Voting to the Tipping Point
Common Dreams

FairVote Director Rob Richie gives a pre-Election 2006 run-down of instant runoff voting ballot measures and other, upcoming implementations.

November 27th 2006
Editorial: Pawlenty should reserve IRV judgment
Minneapolis Star-Tribune

The Star-Trib wants Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty to take IRV seriously as a solution to the spoiler problem.

November 27th 2006
Election Proves Instant Runoff Voting Is Catching On in California and Other States
California Progress Report

Steven Hill, director of the New America Foundation's Political Reform Program, offers a rundown of instant runoff voting's growing popularity among diverse American communities in the wake of four November 2006 wins.

November 27th 2006
Time for instant runoff voting
St. Paul Pioneer Press

Citing the Minnesota governor's less-than-majority win in November 2006, a Pioneer Press reader asks that paper to consider instant runoff voting following endorsement of what ended up a "spoiler" candidacy.

November 27th 2006
From the Daily: Bring back IRV
Michigan Daily

An editorial calls for a return to instant runoff voting in Ann Arbor (MI), where the reform could restore choice to the city's uncompetitve elections.

November 26th 2006
In Our View - A Different Way to Vote
The Columbian

Editorial asks Vancouver lawmakers to make good on a 1999 decision to implement an instant runoff voting pilot program in that Washington city.

November 24th 2006
Oakland's IRV Author Believes System Will Work
Berkeley Daily Planet

While the clerks of Alameda County's (CA) three major cities want to implement the same form of instant runoff voting, the author of Measure O, which Oakland passed in November 2006, says minor differences are unlikely to drastically affect election

November 24th 2006
Campaign 2006 In Review
Asian Week

Columnist Phil Nash cites four November 2006 wins for instant runoff voting - and the San Francisco supervisor race where IRV ensured a majority winner - as positive developments for Asian Americans.

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