FairVote California
270 Alvarado Rd.
Berkeley, CA 94705

Board Members
Pete Martineau

David Wilner

Rob Dickinson

Click here for bios.

California Reform Initiative

Best Methods for Representing California

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May 21st 2007
Instant runoff vote could lower costs
Los Angeles Daily News

Lynne Serpe's commentary argues Los Angeles could save millions with IRV.

May 21st 2007
An alternative voting system
Los Angeles Times

Letters support IRV in Los Angeles.

May 18th 2007
Time to graduate from Electoral College
Boston Herald

Citing broad support among elected officials, this Boston Herland columnist praises the National Popular Vote legislation in Massachusetts and beyond.

May 17th 2007
No way to run an election
L.A. Times

New America Foundation's Steven Hill and Lynne Serpe argue Los Angeles should replace expensive, low turnout runoffs with instant runoff voting.

May 15th 2007
College antics
LA Daily News

The LA Daily News is dubious about the soundness of national popular vote to get around the Electoral College.

May 15th 2007
State Mostly Ignored by Candidates
Charlotte Observer

The North Carolina State Senate passes the National Popular Vote plan by a vote of 30-18.

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