Majority rule and genuine voter choice are marks of a functioning democracy. To support voter choice in high turnout elections, we act to encourage understanding, adoption and effective implementation of instant runoff voting, a ranked choice voting system used in a growing number of American elections.

Election Day Landslides for IRV!
Three big ballot victories, three successful IRV elections
Newly elected candidates are not the only winners from Election Day 2007. Voters in Sarasota (FL) and Aspen (CO) voted by more than three to one to move to instant runoff voting. 67% of voters in Pierce County (WA) voted to keep IRV on track for next year's county executive race, while voters in Clallam County narrowly rejected establishing an IRV option for now.

More and more places now use IRV. San Francisco held its fourth IRV election overall, with first-round winners in three citywide races, including mayor. Takoma Park (MD) smoothly held its first IRV election for mayor, with nary a single spoiled ballot, and the city of Hendersonville (NC) had a good first IRV election for two city council seats. Cambridge (MA)
held city council and school committee elections with the choice voting system of proportional voting, now in its seventh decade of use.

[ Aspen Times on IRV Victory ]
[ Herald Tribune on IRV making Sarasota a “model of election reform” ]
[ Hendersonville IRV voter: “There’s nothing to it” ]

Rave Reviews for IRV
Exit Poll in Cary and Editorial Support All Over
Cary (NC) on October 9th became the latest city to implement instant runoff voting (IRV) with great success. The city avoided an expensive runoff, and an exit poll showed three-to-one support for IRV over traditional runoffs and 96% understanding of the system. Three North Carolina dailies called for expanding IRV elections in their state. Meanwhile, IRV is on the ballot in several new cities and counties this fall, garnering newspaper support.

[ Winston-Salem (NC) on a "big success"for IRV ]
[ Fayetteville Observer (NC) on IRV's merits ]
[ Wilmington Star-News (NC) on IRV for Wilmington ]
[ John Locke Foundation president on his strong support for IRV ]
[ Sarasota Herald Tribune (FL) on a yes vote on IRV ballot measure ]
[ Aspen Times (CO) columnist on "a big YES" to IRV ]
[ Pierce County News-Tribune (WA) on implementing IRV in 2008 ]
[ NC State exit poll on IRV in Cary ]
[ NEW - Cary voters talk about IRV on YouTube ]

IRV in the National Spotlight
National media takes note as more cities to use instant runoff voting
Instant runoff voting keeps making big strides. FairVote chairman and former presidential candidate John Anderson put IRV on the national radar with an op-ed that appeared in the Christian Science Monitor, the Chicago Sun Times, and other major papers.

In North Carolina, Cary held its first IRV election on October 9, and a recent survey showed an overwhelming preference for IRV, and 96 percent said it was easy to understand. The North Carolina Center for Voter Education produced an excellent video explaining IRV, and it was featured in a Raleigh newscast. Hendersonville (NC) will use IRV for the first time on November 6, the city council of Santa Fe (NM) gave unanimous preliminary approval to place IRV on the March 2008 ballot, and the city of Urbana (IL) is considering the same for a February 2008 ballot.

[ John Anderson op-ed: “Let the most popular candidate win” ]
[ NCCVE IRV Video ]
[ Raleigh newscast on Cary IRV ]
[ News release on Cary IRV survey ]
[ Santa Fe New Mexican editorial on IRV vote ]
[ News-Gazette article on Urbana IRV ]

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Recent Articles
October 30th 2009
Don Fraser and George Latimer: The case for instant-runoff voting is clear
Star Tribune

Two former politicians tell St. Paul voters that IRV is "vitally important to us as citizens and as members of our communities."

October 29th 2009
Plurality voting rule is the real election spoiler
Baltimore Sun

In the midst of 3-way races in NJ and NY, FairVote board member and 1980 presidential candidate John Anderson makes the case for IRV over our flawed plurality system.

October 25th 2009
CHARTER AMENDMENT 3: County voters would lose power
The News Tribune

Amendment 3 to the Pierce county charter is an attempt by incumbent politicians to rig the system and prevent any serious challengers from competing. IRV is simply too fair and too democratic to not keep using in our electoral system.

October 22nd 2009
St. Paul should join IRV bandwagon
Star Tribune

Star Tribune stands behind IRV voting. They believe that if this system is used in St. Paul, it will show the state of Missouri that IRV can work and can better represent the voters in the state.