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States Take on Voter Registration Reform
Advance, Universal Registration Among 2009 Legislation
From Maryland to Hawaii, legislatures across the country are taking up legislation to improve our patchwork system of voter registration. Six states (AZ, CA, MI, RI, WA, MD) have introduced legislation that would set a uniform advance voter registration age of 16-years-old. This policy would allow high schools to conduct effective registration drives and educate students about the mechanics of participation. Hawaii has introduced a universal voter registration bill that would ensure anyone who does not want to register affirmatively opts-out and California is considering legislation that would automatically register citizens when applying for a driver's license or filing their state income taxes. New Jersey lawmakers have introduced a bill that changes "motor voter" to an opt-out system, as opposed to the current "opt-in" regime. Connecticut, New Jersey and New York have legislation before them that would expand voter registration opportunities for high school and college students.

[FairVote's 100% Registration Project]
[Rhode Island's Advance Voter Registration Bill]
[Hawaii's Universal Voter Registration Bill]
[California's Automatic Voter Registration Bill]
[New Jersey's Opt-Out Voter Registration Bill]
[New Jersey's High School Voter Registration Bill]

FairVote Oped in New York Times:
David Segal, a FairVote analyst and Rhode Island legislator, has a commentary (a "must read" according to Rick Hasen in his election law blog) in the New York Times focused on the importance of electing U.S. Senate vacancies rather than allowing gubernatorial appointments. FairVote pursued a special project on this proposal in 2007, issuing a short report and publishing a commentary. Events since have underscored the value of having U.S. Senators have the same kind of accountability to voters that every U.S. House Member has always had. The same day, Sen. Russ Feingold, Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution, announced that he would be introducing a constitutional amendment to require election of vacancies.

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Featured Media:

August 10th 2009
Commentary: A cure for the political nomination process
Cleveland Plain Dealer

FairVote's Rob Richie and Paul Fidalgo offer a way to give everyone a say in presidential nominations while retaining the valuable state-by-state evaluation process. This piece also ran in McClatchy's newswire.

October 29th 2009
Plurality voting rule is the real election spoiler
Baltimore Sun

In the midst of 3-way races in NJ and NY, FairVote board member and 1980 presidential candidate John Anderson makes the case for IRV over our flawed plurality system.

October 19th 2009
A better election system
Lowell Sun

Election expert Doug Amy explains how choice voting can "inject new blood" into the elections of Lowell (MA), and give voters a greater incentive to participate.

October 19th 2009
Mandatory Voting? Automatic Registration? How Un-American!
Huffington Post

President of Air America Media, Mark Green, explains why Instant Runoff Voting, Automatic Registration and Mandatory Voting are not only important but could lead to a more democratic society.