FairVote California
270 Alvarado Rd.
Berkeley, CA 94705

Board Members
Pete Martineau

David Wilner

Rob Dickinson

Click here for bios.

California Reform Initiative

Best Methods for Representing California

National Popular Vote Plan Passes California Senate
Progress continues toward presidential elections in which every vote is equal

Legislation to bring California into the National Popular Vote plan to reform presidential elections passed the Senate by a margin of 23 to 14. The passage follows approval by the California Assembly on May 30th. The bill now returns to the Assembly to reconcile the two versions.

The National Popular Vote plan continues to gain support across the country. Identical legislation has passed the Colorado State Senate, passed a key Louisiana committee, had a hearing in Missouri, won bipartisan and independent support among legislators in Illinois and has been introduced into the New York Assembly. Legislation is likely in dozens of states in 2007.

[ Urge Governor Schwarzenegger to sign AB 2948 ]
[ Rob Richie's Letter to the Governor ]
[Associated Press Story]
[FairVote�s Presidential Elections Inequality Report]
[National Popular Vote]

San Francisco Exit Poll Study Affirms Instant Runoff Voting Success
Overwhelming support for IRV over old runoff system
Golden Gate BridgeThe Public Research Institute of San Francisco State University this month released a comprehensive analysis of exit polls during San Francisco's first citywide instant runoff election in 2005. Voters were three times more likely to say voting with instant runoff voting (IRV) was easy than it was difficult, and preferred IRV over the old two-round runoff system by a margin of three to one -- support that extended to every group of voters as defined by party, race, gender, age and neighborhood. Other analyses have shown almost no voter error and much higher turnout than would have taken place with the old runoff system.

Among the report's findings:
- Even though nearly half went to the polls not knowing they were going to use the system, only 2.7% found it "very difficult". Understanding of the system was very high. A majority said they understood IRV "perfectly well", 86% said at least fairly well and only 3% said not at all.
- African American voters were the most likely to rank three people in the contested assessor-recorder race. Of those saying it was easy to rank three candidates (about three times those saying it was difficult), the highest percentages for saying it was easy were those with less than high school degrees, and a higher percentage of African Americans than whites.

[Read the Public Research Institute's Final IRV Report]
[San Francisco Ranked-Choice Voting website]

Davis, CA City Council Puts Choice Voting on November Ballot
Movement Prompted by Student Use at UC-Davis
Davis, CA News Headlines

The Davis, CA City Council members on July 11 placed choice voting on the November ballot. A "yes" to the advisory question will ask the City Council to consider implementation pending the city's formal chartering.

Students at the University of California - Davis, who successfully adopted the system for use in campus elections, urged the city's charter review commission to consider reform. Upon studying the benefits for fair representation and voter choice, commissioners unanimously recommended choice voting for city elections. The Davis story shows that dedicated advocates can sell choice voting and other reforms on their merits.

[Sacramento Bee Article On Choice Voting]
[Davis Citizens for Representation at DavisChoiceVoting.org]
[Bring Proportional Voting Methods to Your City]
[More on Choice Voting in Davis, CA]
[FairVote's City Council Election Methods Manual]
[Info on Choice Voting Generally]
[Choice Voting: A History of Success in Cambridge, MA]

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February 4th 2009
Opinion: Now's the time to think of ideas for a new state government system
San Jose Mercury News

New America Foundation Fellow Micah Weinberg talks about ideas for a proposed California constitutional convention, including proportional voting, instant runoff voting, and decreasing the number of representatives per resident.

January 31st 2009
Test raises caution flag on 'top two' primary
Sacramento Bee

Top two primaries decrease voter choice in elections. Instant runoff voting would be a better choice for California

November 30th 2008
California fiscal crisis spurs push for reform
Sacramento Bee

California looks at proportional representation as part of a program of reform.

November 7th 2008
Push to Expand Early Balloting and Voter Rolls
The New York Times

EAC Chair Rosemary Rodriguez and Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton endorse universal and automatic voter registration.

October 28th 2008
When winner takes all, we lose: Fix electoral college now
New York Daily News

Bill Hammond calls for a National Popular Vote to make New York voters matter in the Presidential Election.

July 21st 2008
Influx of Voters Likely to Test New Machines
New York Times

Article on likely problems with voting in November's elections, including a quote from FairVote's Adam Fogel on voting machine shortages.

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