The National Popular Vote Plan

The National Popular Vote (NPV) plan calls for states to pass identical legislation to enter them into an interstate agreement to award their electoral votes to the winner of the popular vote in all 50 states and the District of Columbia once the number of participating states represents a majority of the Electoral College. The NPV plan is founded on two rights given to states under the Constitution: first, to enter into binding interstate compacts, and second, the power over how to allocate Electoral College votes (a power to change existing rules that states regularly exercised in the nation's early years, and that Maine and Nebraska exercise today). As of October 2008, it has been adopted by four states.


National Popular Vote is led by John Koza, Barry Fadem and Chris Pearson. In February 2006, FairVote's chairman John Anderson and executive director Rob Richie joined Sen. Birch Bayh (D-IN), Rep. John Buchanan (R-AL), Common Cause president Chellie Pingree and other supporters of the proposal for its public introduction. Released at the news conference were the book about the proposal, Every Vote Equal (available from, co-authored by Koza, Richie, Fadem and three others. FairVote also released its report: Presidential Election Inequality (see right).

[The National Popular Vote Plan and Direct Election of the President: FAQ]
[National Popular Vote's website ]
[New Yorker commentary by FairVote board member Hendrik Hertzberg]
[FairVote op-eds from the Sacramento Bee and Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel]
[FairVote information brochure on National Popular Vote]
[FairVote information brochure on NPV in North Carolina]
[FairVote NPV Powerpoint for Speakers and Presentations]

September 13th 2007
Failing Electoral College
The Nation

FairVote executive director Rob Richie explains how the National Popular Vote plan is the solution to the gross inequalities of the Electoral College system.

September 9th 2007
A most undemocratic reform
San Francisco Chronicle

The absurdities inherent in the congressional district method of allocating California's electoral votes.

September 6th 2007
A voting misunderstanding
Vallejo Times-Herald

A letter to the editor clearing up a common misconception regarding the National Popular Vote compact.

September 6th 2007
Proposed reform of Electoral College wouldn't make voting any more fair
San Jose Mercury News

FairVote executive director Rob Richie skewers the congressional district system for awarding electoral votes.

September 5th 2007
Acting alone in presidential electoral reform is unwise
San Jose Mercury News

An editorial condemning the "naked politics masquerading as reform" in the effort to allocate California's electoral votes by congressional district.

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