August 21st 2005
Electoral system breeds big spenders
The Philadelphia Inquirer

Steven Hill explains how the current winner-take-all electoral system has made the American taxpayer pay.

August 15th 2005
Take care with choice of new voting machine
The Clarion Ledger

Opinion piece references IRV as important for voting machines

July 26th 2005
Try instant runoff voting
The Spokesman-Review

Letter to the editor calling for Spokane to try IRV after failure of other voting methods.

July 26th 2005
There's a better way to pick a mayor
Cincinnati Enquirer

Josh Krekeler suggests IRV to correct Cincinnati's undemocratic mayoral primary.

July 26th 2005
Electoral Reform Pays
Green Horizon Quarterly

FairVote's Ryan O'Donnell explores the role of third parties in expanding American democracy through history. He suggests IRV and proportional voting will be the latest reforms in this evolution.

July 26th 2005
IRV causes clean campaigns
Ashland Daily Tidings

Shaktari Leslie Belew calls for the adoption of IRV in local governments as a way to revamp the electoral process.

July 25th 2005
Clarifying the Case for IRV
Ashland Daily Tidings

A case for IRV

July 25th 2005
Clarifying the Case for IRV
Ashland Daily Tidings

Ashland Oregon is giving voters the chance to consider instant runoff voting. The main hurdle is to educate voters of IRV's benefits.

July 25th 2005
Clarifying the Case for IRV
Ashland Daily Tidings

Pamela Vavra addresses Ashland city councilors' concerns about placing an IRV measure on the November ballot.

July 22nd 2005
City voting in need of overhaul?
The Aspen Times

Aspen City Council will consider implementing IRV for city election to correct lackluster voter turnout.

July 13th 2005
Council approves paper ballots in cost-saving move
The Takoma Park Gazette

Takoma Park takes first step toward IRV by switching to paper ballots.

July 4th 2005
Independence under winner-take-all

Progressive commentator calls winner-take-all elections the biggest barrier to independent politics.

July 2nd 2005
Go for instant runoff
Aspen Times

FairVote intern Hannah Garden-Monheit writes that to correct low turnout runoffs, Aspen should consider IRV.

June 25th 2005
Instant runoffs may sound confusing but work well
Pelican Press

Editorial by Florida weekly calling on Sarasota charter review committee to consider supporting IRV.

June 25th 2005
Party plots poll course
Fiji Times

People's National Party of Fiji discusses alliances for next election for next election, which is held using instant runoff voting.

June 21st 2005
What would LeRoy Collins do?
St. Petersburg Times

Editorial by St. Petersburg Times calling for Governor Jeb Bush to consider instant runoff voting rather than sign a bill reverting to a plurality system.

June 19th 2005
A better way to vote can lead to a more responsive democracy
The Nashua Telegraph

Zo Tobi advocates IRV as the best way to revitalize democracy in New Hampshire.

June 9th 2005
Runoff vote: What's the point?
Aspen Times

Recent expense of runoff in Aspen casts doubt on city's runoff system. Some call for IRV.

June 7th 2005
A punch list for the good fight
Chicago Sun Times

Jesse Jackson calls for IRV as part of a positive agenda for improving democracy.

May 31st 2005
Instant runoffs experiment in N.C. worth a close look
Asheville Citizen-Times (NC)

Support for IRV Pilot Program in North Carolina

May 30th 2005
Curing N.C.'s costly, lonely runoff elections
The News and Observer (NC)

IRV Could Save Money in North Carolina

May 30th 2005
Olympic vote boosts call for reform
The Independent

2012 Olympic host city will be selected using IRV.

May 29th 2005
Legislature needs to act on instant runoff voting
The Rutland Herald

John Anderson: Vermont's strong tradition of political independence means it's ready for IRV.

May 22nd 2005
Instant runoff worth a try
Wilmington Star News (NC)

Support for IRV Pilot Program in North Carolina

May 20th 2005
Ranked choice voting works in S.F., becomes more popular
San Diego Daily Transcript

Commentary on IRV in San Francisco

May 18th 2005
A New Instant Dawn
Seven Day Newspapers

Commentary on IRV in Burlington, Vermont

May 17th 2005
Candidates say 15% could be enough today
San Francisco Chronicle

Calls for IRV as eight candidates for Oakland City Council split the vote so that only 15% is needed to win in this special election.

May 11th 2005
Instant runoff pilots recommended by N.C. House panel
The Associated Press

North Carolina State Representative Paul Luebke, a FairVote ally, gets committee approval for IRV test runs

May 11th 2005
AccuPoll Receives 2002 Federal Election Commission Voting System Standards Certification

New certified voting equipment is IRV compatible

May 10th 2005
Libertarians Approve of SB596, Instant Runoff Voting

Libertarians in California endorse IRV measure

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