November 5th 2005
Instant runoffs: It's time will come
Oakland Tribune

A commentary that urges more legislators to use of IRV as way to save money and better support the interests of thier constituents

November 4th 2005
Progressive state rep. forms House exploratory committee
The Associated Press

Potential Progressive congressional candidate David Zuckermand says the Vermont Legislature could adopt a law calling for instant runoff voting that would neutralize a spoiler.

November 4th 2005
Budget could hurt elections
San Francisco Chronicle

For the first time, ranked-choice voting will be used city-wide in San Francisco for Tuesday's Novemeber 8 elections.

November 1st 2005
Groups push instant-runoff voting in Brattleboro
The Boston Globe

Brattleboro, VT could follow Burlington in instituting instant-runoff voting, if a coalition of activist groups has its way.

October 20th 2005
For once, spared a runoff
Wilmington Star

Commentary advocates eliminating primary elections in favor of Instant Runoff voting because it is a more sensible and effective option.

October 19th 2005
Why two elections when one will do?

A letter to the editor that urges Utah to adopt IRV because it will save time and money. Mentions FairVote as a good resource for information about IRV.

October 17th 2005
City Council To Consider 'Instant' Runoff Voting
kfmb website

San Diego may use instant runoff voting because it is a system that accuratly represents a majority winner.

October 17th 2005
Frye committee explores instant runoff voting for San Diego

The San Diego City Council's Government Efficiency and Openess Committee opened discussions on Monday to explore instant runoff voting as a cost-saving move.

October 17th 2005
Takoma Park to Ask Voters for 'Instant Runoff' Voting
Capital News Service

In a move that will hopefully jump-start a greater state-wide debate, Takoma Park voters will decide in November whether to choose Instant Runoff Voting over the current voting system.

October 12th 2005
Is Instant Runoff Voting Feasible?
The Ledger

Advocates in Florida are urging local governments to switch to Instant Runoff Voting.

October 12th 2005
Voting for mayor? One day, you may be able to rank choices.
The Takoma Park Gazette

FairVote's Rob Richie quoted in this article on how IRV will give Takoma Park elections a chance to be spoiler-free, and elect candidates with a majority of the vote.

October 11th 2005
Instant Runoff Voting rules go to council
Burlington Free Press

City voters in March approved the instant runoff system for mayoral elections. Now, it is up to the council to determine the exact procedures for the new voting process.

October 10th 2005
Clark tries 'choice voting'
Worcester Telegram & Gazette

Clark University joins the growing list of colleges using ranked-choice voting, as several new proposed bills are being considered by the Massachusetts Legislature.

October 10th 2005
Unusually fervent race for assessor
San Francisco Chronicle

An overview of San Francisco's assessor recorder race, where IRV will decide the winner. Thanks to instant runnoff voting the results will reflect the majority's opinions.

October 10th 2005
San Diego and the A.S. Council should implement a ranked-choice voting system
UCSD Gaurdian

University of California at San Diego has a golden opportunity to ensure that the council representatives have at least a majority when elected to office and to serve as a medium of change for the campus and the entire city of San Diego.

October 6th 2005
Vote IRV and Better Democracy in Takoma Park!
Takoma Voice

Rob Richie argues that Takoma Park would benefit greatly from IRV, which produces spoiler-free campaigns and majority winners.

October 1st 2005
Mayoral Debate Steps Away From Pension, Toward Openness
The Voice of San Diego

Instant runoff voting a critical issue in San Diego mayoral elections

September 30th 2005
Instant runoffs instantly persuasive
Daytona Beach News-Journal

Opinon piece on why Alachua County should adopt IRV elections

September 30th 2005
A fad or reform?
Gainsville Sun

Commentary on why Gainsville should use adopt Instant Runoff Voting

September 30th 2005
Student Government�SGA to tackle election code; grad elections to be separate
Emory Wheel

Emory's SGA seeks to reform election practices, including the addition of IRV.

September 29th 2005
Letter: The Running Party
Queens Ledger

Letter to the editor recommends adopting instant runoff voting in order to eliminate low voter turnout and costly runoff elections.

September 28th 2005
Are instant runoffs the future of elections?
Gainesville Sun

This news story from the Gainesville Sun confronts the possibility that Gainesville or Alachua County voters could choose their commissioners in a new way if a move toward instant runoff elections takes hold.

September 27th 2005
Instant runoff vote the way to go
The Missoulian

A Missoula, MT resident backs IRV as a smart way to avoid runoffs.

September 25th 2005
Vote by mail? OK, so I was wrong ...
Seattle-Post Intelligencer

Editorial page editor Mark Trahant backs instant runoff voting and universal voter registration in this commentary on postal voting and the Carter-Baker Commission's report.

September 22nd 2005
Missoula Independent

Why IRV should be adopted in Missoula Mayoral Elections

September 21st 2005
NYC, meet IRV
Mother Jones

After an expensive mayoral runoff, it's time that New York consider a commonsense alternative: IRV

September 20th 2005
"Instant runoff' would save money

A letter to the editor about why Instant Runoff Voting is more cost effective then traditional elections.

September 18th 2005
Rethinking the Runoff

Politicians, the public and good-government groups question the practice of runoff elections in New York City.

September 15th 2005
Another Weird Election
The Gotham Gazette

Doug Israel and Amy Ngai explain the failure of New York City's recent primary elections and how IRV can help in the future.

September 12th 2005
Arcata City, Calif. Establishes Model Voter Confidence Resolution For Nation's Cities to Follow
The Lone Star Iconoclast

Arcata City, CA establishes a voter resolution aimed at improving voting methods by implementing preferential voting and other reforms.

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