SCA 10
Background and Procedural Information

Senator Alan Lowenthal introduced California Senate Constitutional Amendment 10 on April 23, 2007.  It would place an eleven person independent commission to have authority over redistricting.  

Under the proposed legislation, are single-member districts a requirement or otherwise implied?

Yes.  Single-member districts are required.

Does the proposed legislation provide for Voting Rights Act compliance (e.g. can the commission use voter history information)?

This legislation provides for six ranked priorities that the commission should use to determine the shape of the districts.  Complying with the Voting Rights Act is the second highest priority.   

Under the proposed legislation, how is the commission formed?

The California Judicial Council will select ten retired or sitting California Circuit or Appellate Judges, of which five must belong to the two largest political parties in the state to serve as panelists.  The panelists will nominate 55 people for the commissioner spots with 20 from each of the largest political parties in California and 15 not from one of the two largest political parties.  The President Pro Tempore of the Senate, the Minority Floor Leader of the Senate, the Speaker of the Assembly, and the Floor leader of the Assembly will each strike two of the 55 nominees and then select 2 of the members from their own party to serve as commissioners.  The Fair Political Practices Committee will select the three non-partisan candidates by lot.
Under the proposed legislation, are competitive districts favored?

No.  There are six goals the commission is instructed to use to determine the shape of districts and forming competitive districts is not one of those goals.   

Under the proposed legislation, can members of the public submit plans?

Yes.  The commission will make map-creating software and census information available to members of the public who may then submit a plan to the commission.  

Does the proposed legislation allow for mid-decade redistricting?

Yes.  There is no provision in the legislation that would prevent mid-decade redistricting. 
November 3rd 2002
Politics, Incumbency Style

Columnist Rosanna Perotti discusses proportional representation as a solution to monopoly politics.

November 3rd 2002
Get your election results here: 99.8% accurate
Houston Chronicle

FairVote's Steven Hill and Rob Richie describe that the election results can be predicted in US, because most districts tilt strongly toward one party.

November 2nd 2002
Why state has few real races for House
San Jose Mercury News

FairVote's Larry Sabato comments on the lack of competitive House seats in the 2002 election, noting that San Jose residents have a better chance of affecting the race by donating money to a candidate in another part of the country than voting.

October 30th 2002
More than ever, incumbents in driver's seat
USA Today

Despite the fact redistricting is suppose to boost competition, this article explores how drawing congressional district lines has rendered 90% of elections nearly uncontested, drawing examples from Illinois.

October 28th 2002
GOP House members snug in incumbency
Cincinnati Enquirer

Money, incumbency advantage, and redistricting have transformed the American political system into a non-competitive arena.

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