March 16th 2006
Instant runoff voting could lead to less negativity in political campaigns
The ASU Herald

An op-ed from the Arkansas State University student newspaper arguing that instant runoff voting can stop the practice of "lesser-evil" voting.

March 15th 2006
Mayoral Balloting Seen as Model for U.S. Election Reform
Seven Days

A column appearing in Seven Days, a Vermont WebWeekly, that hails Burlington's first mayoral election using instant runoff voting.

March 15th 2006
Lawmakers may order study of statewide instant runoff voting
Associated Press

IRV's success in Burlington may lead to a study on it's possible use for the entire state of Vermont.

March 15th 2006
Instant Runoff Voting Gives Ethnic Communities Greater Say in Elections
New America Media

Commentary that examines the effects of IRV on racial minorities, recognizing new studies that show how the voting method can increase the influence of under-represented minorities.

March 12th 2006
Instant runoff voting is worth consideration
The Decatur Daily

An editorial that encourages state elections officials to take a careful look at instant runoff voting as a way to eliminate costly runoff elections.

March 10th 2006
Instant runoff voting advances
The Times of Trenton (NJ)

An editorial that praises Burlington's recent IRV election as a way to avoid runoffs, while advocating adoption of IRV for mayoral elections in Trenton, NJ.

March 9th 2006
IRV system deemed a success
Burlington Free Press

State officials and independent observers hailed instant runoff voting in Vermont, citing its cost-saving benefits and its user-friendly approach to voting.

March 8th 2006
Burlington voters ace instant runoff
Burlington Free Press

Burlington, VT voters use IRV, and find it easy to use.

March 8th 2006
Progressive Bob Kiss elected mayor of Burlington
Burlington Free Press

Election in Burlington uses IRV to elect Bob Kiss as the mayor.

March 8th 2006
Progressive Wins 2nd Round in Burlington
Associated Press

The AP reports on the election of a new mayor in Burlington, VT

March 8th 2006
Voters pucker up for Kiss
Burlington Free Press

Voters in Burlington, VT elect a mayor using instant runoff voting.

March 7th 2006
Vermont's First Instant Runoff Voting Election

Broadcast coverage of the first use of IRV in the successful mayoral elections in Burlington, Vt.

March 7th 2006
Former Gov. Dean Supports IRV

Former Vermont Governor and Presidential candidate Howard Dean shows his support for IRV at the Burlington polls.

March 6th 2006
Primary election runoff plan could be expensive, experimental
Associated Press

This wire story quotes FairVote's Ryan O'Donnell on how instant runoff voting can be an effective way to ensure overseas votes count in runoffs.

March 6th 2006
Burlington to kick off runoff
Burlington Free Press

An article about the Burlington mayoral election in which instant runoff voting is being used for the first time in the March 7th race.

March 4th 2006
Instant-runoff voting is gaining momentum as problem solver
Associated Press

FairVote's Ryan O'Donnell quoted in this national wire story that appeared in print and on Web sites of numerous publications, including the New York Times and the Washington Post, on how IRV is catching on across America as a popular reform.

March 2nd 2006
Kudos to the UBE
The Cavalier Daily

University of Virginia student hails latest success of instant runoff voting in Student Council elections as a continued improvement to past procedures.

March 2nd 2006
Nabors elected StudCo president
The Cavalier Daily

Instant runoff voting delivers majority winner in University of Virginia's Student Council Presidential election.

February 28th 2006
New Election System Could Save GUSA
The Hoya

A letter to the editor of the Georgetown University student newspaper advocating the use of IRV in student elections.

February 27th 2006
Downtown Letters: Building A Better Ballot for Minneapolis
Downtown Journal Online

A letter to the editor supporting the Minneapolis Better Ballot Campaign to institute IRV in that city's elections.

February 24th 2006
Primaries unneeded in election process
The State News, MSU's Independant Voice

A letter to the editor in support of IRV as a way to replace primary elections.

February 24th 2006
What is Instant Runoff Voting?

An article explaining the basics of IRV.

February 22nd 2006
Election method will be first for Oregon
The Daily Vanguard

Matt Petrie makes an accurate description of Instant Runoff Voting, a voting method used since 2005 for student elections at Portland State University.

February 20th 2006
Instant Runoff Voting Would Spur Debate, Give Everyone A Voice
The Arizona Daily Star

Jim Sinex, of, advocates adoption of IRV in Tuscon, Arizona as a way to increase voter interest and turnout in local elections.

February 16th 2006
Zuckerman Bows Out of House Race; Criticizes Voting By Fear
Burlington Free Press

Progressive state representative David Zuckerman drops out of the VT U.S. House race to avoid plitting votes among Democrats and Progressives.

February 16th 2006
Act Locally With Instant Runoff Voting
The Minnesota Daily

A letter to the editor advocating for IRV in Minnesota and explaining what IRV is and how it works.

February 13th 2006
Ranked Choice Voting in SF: $3 Million Saved, Turnout Nearly Tripled
BeyondChron: San Francisco's Alternative Online Daily News

The introduction of RCV to SF saved the city 3 million dollars by eliminating the extra cost of the December runoffs. Also, it nearly tripled voter participation in the decicive round of runoffs. Most SF voters now prefer the new system to the old

February 12th 2006
Let's take city elections out of hands of very few
Houston Chronicle

Op-Ed that advocates IRV for Houston city elections arguing that runoffs give the final decision to a very small number of voters. References recent success in San Francisco.

February 7th 2006
Task force to look at instant runoffs
San Diego Union Tribune

The San Diego City Council unanimously approved creating a citizens task force to look at ways to make it easier to vote in the city. The 10-member panel will investigate the use of IRV, among other reforms.

February 7th 2006
Let voters truly decide
Rutland Herald

A letter to the editor urges IRV as a way for Vermont to accomodate voter choice.

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