Support for the American Plan
As the American people learn more about the dangers of our front-loaded presidential primary system, they are turning to the "American Plan".  FairVote is working with other groups around the country to improve support for the American Plan.  Click on the links below to learn more about groups that are supporting the American Plan. 

[Young Democrats of America Endorse the American Plan]

[California Young Democrats unanimously support the American Plan]

[Ops-Alaska favors presidential primary reform and the American Plan]

[California Young Democrats press release about the American Plan]

[California State Democratic Chair Art Torres Speaks Up for the American Plan]

Back to Presidential Nomination Schedule.
October 1st 2004
Thousands of Florida Voters May Be Refused
Atlantic Journal

September 29th 2004
Something Rotten in the State of Florida
The Independent News (UK)

September 27th 2004
Still Seeking a Fair Florida Vote
The Washington Post

September 22nd 2004
Spoiler Nader b-a-a-c-k
Bradenton Herald (FL)

Newspaper urges lawmakers to get to the heart of the spoiler problem

September 5th 2004
Problems Abound in Election System
The Washington Post

August 7th 2004
Foreign Observers to Audit Election
The Washinton Times

August 7th 2004
Chiefly a Cool Reception
Newsday Coverage

July 12th 2004
De-spoiling the Election
The Nation

FairVote analyst Steven Hill and Executive Director Rob Richie cite IRV to prevent the spoiler problem in presidential elections

June 20th 2004
1 Million Black Votes Didn't Count in the 2000 Presidential Election
San Francisco Chronicle

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