Resolution Supporting California�s Impact on the Democratic Presidential Nomination Process

California Young Democrats Logo

WHEREAS California’s impact in determining the presidential nominee of the Democratic Party for the last several elections has decreased, and

WHEREAS the current front-loaded primary system often results in fewer than 200,000 Iowans and 300,000 New Hampshire voters in the first weeks of January in effect choosing the Party’s nominee before being tested in larger states like California, and

WHEREAS California, as the highest populated state in the nation, deserves greater influence in determining the party’s nominee than simply serving as the fundraising capital for national candidates and their campaigns,

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the California Young Democrats (CYD) encourages presidential primary reform efforts that will:

· Allow a greater number of campaigns to begin at the grassroots level and build momentum;

· Provide a nominating process that remains competitive for a longer period of time in order to give the public a greater opportunity to engage the campaign and become informed about the candidates;

· And create a system that increases the likelihood that Democrats in all states will have an  effective voice in the selection of nominees, and

RESOLVED that CYD call on the Democratic National Committee’s (DNC) Commission on Presidential Nomination Timing and Scheduling to seriously consider the California (or Graduated Random System) Plan which features a schedule consisting of 10 two-week intervals, during which randomly selected states will hold their primaries.  This 20-week schedule is the approximate length of the traditional presidential primary schedule, and

RESOLVED that CYD distribute copies of this resolution to all CYD chartered clubs, the California Democratic Party and the DNC for consideration and support.

Drafted by David Phelps, Past President, San Fernando Valley Young Democrats

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