In the News
January 24th 2007
Is Instant Runoff Voting (IRV) good for Nevada County voters?

A call for IRV in Nevada County, CA.

December 25th 2006
'Instant Runoff' Voting Touted
Los Angeles Times

Article citing FairVote's work and instant runoff voting wins covers the history of proportional voting in the United States and the growing interest after ballot victories in Davis (CA) and Minneapolis (MN).

December 3rd 2006
Disconnect shown anew in election
Sacramento Bee

After low voter turnout in the last election, the author recommends IRV and proportional voting as ways for government to be more connected and representative of their constituencies.

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Research and Reports                         

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  • California Instant Runoff Voting Coalition is an action-oriented site that is campaigning for more of the successful local ballot measures in California (like Oakland, Santa Clara County and San Leandro County) as well as state legislation.

Legislation and Litigation

See if there is any current legislation in California