November 24th 2006
Campaign 2006 In Review
Asian Week

Columnist Phil Nash cites four November 2006 wins for instant runoff voting - and the San Francisco supervisor race where IRV ensured a majority winner - as positive developments for Asian Americans.

November 18th 2006
Time for better choices
Timberjay Newspapers

An op-ed piece calls for instant runoff voting to go statewide in Minnesota.

November 18th 2006
Instant run-off
Courier Post

A Barnsborow (VA) resident thinks instant runoff voting would have eliminated spoilers early on, quickly producing a majority winner in the contentious U.S. Senate race there.

November 17th 2006
Editorial: Minnesota needs new voting system
Minneapolis Star-Tribune

The Star-Tribune calls for statewide instant runoff voting in Minnesota, citing repeated spoilers in gubernatorial elections.

November 16th 2006
Say yes to Instant Runoff Voting
Pasadena Weekly

The Pasadena Weekly endorses instant runoff voting for its inclusiveness and the fiscal good sense it makes.

November 15th 2006
IRV's time has come
The Coloradoan

Colorado's recent election could have turned out differently if instant runoff voting had been adopted in Colorado.

November 15th 2006
County officials should be up to IRV challenge
Tacoma News Tribune

An editorial argues that the newly elected Pierce Co. (WA) Auditor should have no problem implementing instant runoff voting.

November 15th 2006
Next Step: How to Implement Instant Runoff Voting
The Berkeley Daily Planet

As instant runoff voting (IRV) begins to sweep Alameda County, California, officials find ways to standarize and simplify the process.

November 14th 2006
Stop blaming Greens for GOP wins
The Detroit News

Douglas Campbell, Vice Chair of the Green Party of Michigan, blames the current electoral system for "spoiled" elections rather than the participation of third parties. He suggests Instant Runoff Voting as a remedy.

November 14th 2006
Instant Runoff Voting respects voter wishes
Fort Collins Coloradoan

Instant runoff voting relieves the spoiler effect, which affected races in Fort Collins (CO) on Election Day, notes this solid explanation of the system.

November 14th 2006
Much work ahead for Minneapolis' instant-runoff voting
Star Tribune

Minneapolis voters overwhelmingly supported instant runoff voting (IRV), but implementation will take work.

November 14th 2006
Democracy: New way to vote
Seattle Post-Intelligencer

The Seattle Post-Intelligencer editorial staff comments on Pierce County's amendment to introduce Instant Runoff Voting (IRV) for most county offices.

November 13th 2006
Local Green candidates look forward to next steps
The News-Gazette- East Central Illinois

Green Candidates in central Illinois gain support for reforms such as Instant Runoff Voting from many sources, including Champaign County Clerk Mark Shelden.

November 13th 2006
Stateside With Rosalea: Happy! Happy! Happy!
Scoop Independent News

IRV "provides a unique solution to problems with representative government and democracy" for four very different areas, comments Rosalea Barker.

November 11th 2006
S.F. supes: Ed Jew in District 4
San Francisco Chronicle

For the first time in San Francisco's history, choice voting reordered the election results, giving the victory over the closely contested District 4 to Ed Jew.

November 10th 2006
RCV Results Posted
San Francisco Chronicle Blog

The San Francisco Board of Elections posts ranked choice voting results for Districts 4 and 6.

November 10th 2006
SF Supervisor Candidates Anxiously Awaiting Second-Ranked Vote Count
KTVU Bay City News

Candidates for San Francisco supervisor in the closely contested races of Districts 4 and 6 wait for the results of ranked choice voting.

November 10th 2006
Daly Confirmed Winner; Ed Jew Wins in District 4

Instant runoff voting gets high approval ratings from Asian-Americans, and 82% of voters used all their rankings in San Francisco's third cycle using the system.

November 9th 2006
They fight, we vote, they offer to help
St. Paul Pioneer Press

St. Paul editorial board comments favorably on instant runoff voting.

November 9th 2006
Let's review the roadkill from Tuesday's election
Minneapolis Star Tribune

Author advocates instant runoff voting to be used at the state level after three consecutive Minnesota governors win with less than fifty percent of the vote.

November 4th 2006
Job One for Congress: improve elections
Sacramento Bee

FairVote's Rob Richie and The New America Foundation's Steven Hill urge Congress to ensure the integrity of the institution by improving the electoral process. This article has appeared in other newspapers as well.

November 3rd 2006
Eyes on the Prize
Asian Week

Author advocates the examination of instant-runoff and proportional voting as ways of updating an out of date electoral system.

November 3rd 2006
Bring Democracy Home
The Nation

Katrina vanden Heuvel, editor of The Nation, outlines ways to improve the democratic process, advocating nonpartisan election administrations and encouraging IRV and proportional representation as alternatives to the current winner-takes-all system.

November 1st 2006
From the Editor
Whole Life Times

The editor supports instant runoff voting and the CA Secretary of State's decision to give voters a paper ballot option as ways to boost voter choice and confidence.

November 1st 2006
Measure O is good for Oakland
Bay Area BusinessWoman

An Oakland (CA) City Councilwoman endorses Measure O to implement instant runoff voting in her city.

November 1st 2006
Vote 'yes' for Charter Amendment 3
Peninsula Gateway

The Pierce County (WA) Yes On 3 campaign for instant runoff voting racks up another editorial endorsement.

October 31st 2006
New GUSA Senators to Take Seats Next Week
The Georgetown Hoya

Georgetown University students adopted instant runoff voting 10-to-1 and held their first election - a success - two weeks later.

October 31st 2006
Vote yes for instant runoff
Minnesota Daily

The Minnesota Daily joine the Star-Tribune in endorsing instant runoff voting for Minneapolis this November.

October 30th 2006
Runoff voting - good for Virginia?
Augusta Free Press

VIRV's Nathan Larson thinks Virginia should follow North Carolina and Washington in implementing instant runoff voting pilot projects for local elections.

October 30th 2006
Electile Dysfunction?
News Release Wire

Former FairVote President Matthew Cossolotto calls for a range of reforms, highlighting two problems of American democracy: "counting the votes" and "making votes count."

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