In the News
April 16th 2007
Avula by 38
Stanford Daily

Stanford University successfully uses IRV in their highest-turnout student election ever.

April 13th 2007
Choice voting bill endorsed
Davis Enterprise (CA)

Davis City Council endorses California Assembly legislation to give local governments the option of using IRV.

April 11th 2007
New America Foundation Study Shows Runoff Elections in Los Angeles are Expensive, Wasteful and Contribute to Low Voter Turnout

New America Foundation release argues for IRV to solve runoff problems in Los Angeles.

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Research and Reports                         

[View San Francisco resources]


  • California Instant Runoff Voting Coalition is an action-oriented site that is campaigning for more of the successful local ballot measures in California (like Oakland, Santa Clara County and San Leandro County) as well as state legislation.

Legislation and Litigation

See if there is any current legislation in California