In The News
July 2nd 2008
Blocking democracy in St. Paul elections
Minnesota Daily

This commentary on the Saint Paul City Council's attempt to prevent a ballot on IRV argues that the people's right to vote on the issue should be respected.

June 29th 2008
Don't block vote on IRV in St. Paul
Star Tribune

Editorial calls for St Paul City Council to allow a ballot question on IRV in November.

June 28th 2008
Petition was sound, council's obligation clear: Let the people vote
Pioneer Press

An article defending St Paul's residents' right to vote on an IRV ballot measure this November.

June 4th 2008
Backers submit petitions to put instant-runoff to vote in fall
Star Tribune

Backers of a proposal to bring I.R.V. to the city of St. Paul (MN) submitted petitions to put the issue before voters, appropriately enough, in November. I.R.V. has been adopted by Minneapolis voters in 2006 and could be in place by 2009.

April 18th 2008
Minneapolis steps closer to instant runoff
Star Tribune

Minneapolis takes key step toward implementing IRV for mayoral and other city elections in 2009.

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