Third Party Elections
Election Years in which a third party candidate walked away with any amount of Electoral votes


Candidate: Teddy Roosevelt

T. Roosevelt

Party: Progressive

Popular Vote: 4,119,207 (27.4%)

Electoral Votes: 88

States: Michigan, Minnesota, South Dakota, Washington, Pennsylvania, California (split)

*Roosevelt actually beat Democratic candidate William Howard Taft in the Electoral College;
Taft received only 8 votes

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Candidate: Robert Marion LaFollette

Bob Lafollette

Party: Progressive

Popular Vote: 4,822,856 (16.6%)

Electoral Votes: 13

States: Wisconsin

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Candidate: Strom Thurmond

Strom Thurmond

Party: Dixiecrat

Popular Vote: 1,176,125 (2.4%)

Electoral Votes: 39

          States: Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, Tennessee (split)

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Candidate: Harry Flood Byrd


Party: Democrat

Popular Vote: 116,248 (0.2%)

Electoral Votes: 15

States: Mississippi, Alabama (split), Oklahoma (split)

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Candidate: George Corley Wallace


Party: American Independent

Popular Vote: 9,446,167 (12.9%)

Electoral Votes: 46

       States: Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina (split)

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1956, 1972, 1976, 1988

*In each of these elections, a candidate got a single (1) electoral vote:

Walter Burgwyn Jones in 1956

John Hospers in 1972

Ronald Reagan in 1976

Lloyd Millard Bentsen, Jr. in 1988

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Controversial Elections

Electoral College Table of Contents

July 21st 2008
John Koza has an ingenious plan to put the electoral college out of business
Fortune Magazine

News profile of Dr. John Koza, originator of the National Popular Vote plan for president.

July 19th 2008
Popular vote does not contradict Founders
South Coast Today

FairVote Rhode Island's Ari Savitzky sets the record straight about the Founders' intentions regarding a national popular vote.

July 15th 2008
Surgery for the Constitution's 'appendix'
The Metrowest Daily News

Editorial calls on Massachusetts legislature to approve the National Popular Vote plan.

July 9th 2008
The push for a popular vote

The Massachusetts House of Representatives is set to vote on the National Popular Vote bill.

July 8th 2008
Chafee joins push for Electoral College reform
The Providence Journal

Former US Sen. Lincoln Chafee is backing the national popular vote plan

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