FairVote California
270 Alvarado Rd.
Berkeley, CA 94705

Board Members
Pete Martineau

David Wilner

Rob Dickinson

Click here for bios.

California Reform Initiative

Best Methods for Representing California

Instant Runoff in Berkeley

On March 2, 2004, voters in Berkeley (CA) voted 72%-28% to authorize instant runoff voting (IRV) for city elections, with more than 20,000 people voting yes. The high-profile campaign had vigorous opposition, and the strong affirmative vote sends a mandate for implementing IRV as soon as possible. A companion ballot measure to preserve runoffs, but lower the winning threshold from 45% to 40%, won only 55% of the vote.

To learn more about the campaign for IRV in Berkeley, check out:

Pro-IRV commentary from the League of Women Voters 

Local news coverage

Final election results

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April 30th 2008
Majority Rule at Last
Washington Monthly

The Brennan Center's Michael Waldman lays out the case for the National Popular Vote Plan for electing the president.

April 19th 2008
GSA candidate withdraws from race
The Daily Bruin

An article about UCLA recent student elections using IRV which shows a key value for IRV focusing on how well it accommodates a candidate's late withdrawal in a campaign.

April 17th 2008
State ballot allows creativity with party preferences
The Olympian

The Olympian reports, state officials give political parties freedom to design and place logo on upcoming primary ballot

April 14th 2008
Winners of ASSU election announced
The Daily Stanford

Another successful student election using IRV has been held at Stanford University. Undergraduate senators, class presidents and special fee candidates have been elected through IRV.

April 10th 2008
The complexities of instant-runoff voting
The Daily Stanford

Commentary about the reasons Stanford uses instant runoff voting for its student elections.

April 10th 2008
Veterans Department Creates Roadblocks to Voter Registration for Injured Vets

Veterans, who put their lives on the line to defend the right to vote, can't register to vote because of roadblocks created by the Veterans Department.

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