In the News
October 25th 2006
Elections bring out coastal differences
Enumclaw Courier-Herald

Washingtonians vote on too much, argues this commentator, but Amendment 3 to implement instant runoff voting in Pierce County makes good sense.

October 22nd 2006
CHARTER changes
Tacoma News Tribune

The Tacoma News Tribune endorses instant runoff voting for Pierce County (WA).

September 29th 2006
IRV: affirming political choice
Seattle TImes

A portrait of the Yes on Three campaign for instant runoff voting in Pierce County, Washington, including a profile of FairVote's Ryan Griffin, who apparently "resembles Thomas Jefferson."

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  • FairVote Vancouver: In 1999, reformers backed a sucessful initative on IRV in Vancouver, Washington.

Legislation and Litigation
  • HB 1447 has passed! Establishes a pilot program for IRV use in the election of non-partisan offices in Clark County. Passed the Legislature on April 13th with a 63-34 vote in the House and a 38-9 vote in the Senate; signed by the governor on April 23.
  • Washington state initiative for IRV launched: Instant Runoff Washington has formed to collect signatures in 2004 for action in 2005.