In the News
May 17th 2007
No way to run an election
L.A. Times

New America Foundation's Steven Hill and Lynne Serpe argue Los Angeles should replace expensive, low turnout runoffs with instant runoff voting.

May 11th 2007
Bruins United finishes big
The Daily Bruin

UCLA holds successful student elections using IRV.

April 18th 2007
Keep voting!
Pasadena Weekly

Pasadena could have saved $200,000 by using IRV instead of two-round runoff.

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Research and Reports                         

[View San Francisco resources]


  • California Instant Runoff Voting Coalition is an action-oriented site that is campaigning for more of the successful local ballot measures in California (like Oakland, Santa Clara County and San Leandro County) as well as state legislation.

Legislation and Litigation

See if there is any current legislation in California