FairVote California
270 Alvarado Rd.
Berkeley, CA 94705

Board Members
Pete Martineau

David Wilner

Rob Dickinson

Click here for bios.

California Reform Initiative

Best Methods for Representing California

FairVote Analyzes Schwarzenegger's Redistricting Plan
Governor SchwarzeneggerAs national attention turns to California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's plan to replace the state's partisan gerrymandering system with an independent redistricting commission, FairVote seeks to highlight beneficial elements of the plan, as well as ways to improve upon it.

We applaud the governor for highlighting no-choice elections in California and hope to broaden the discussion to include additional considerations -- indeed we need far more action on reforming redistricting in Congress and in states around the nation.

Over time we have consistently backed non-partisan redistricting criteria, but we believe the process should not end there, as competitive races and increased representation of women and communities of color requires more than just a neutral line-drawing process.

[Read Steven Hill's NYT Commentary on CA Redistricting]

Exit Poll in San Francisco Shows Favorable Results for IRV
Widely Preferred and Understood

An exit poll commissioned by the City and carried out by the Public Research Institute at San Francisco State University indicates that a large majority understands and prefers the newly-instituted IRV election system. Some key figures:

  • Only 13% of respondents would like to go back to the old two-round runoff system.
  • 87% said that they understood instant runoff voting.
  • No more than 23% of any one racial and ethnic group reported not understanding IRV--despite the fact that a big turnout presidential race brings out a lot of new voters and people who skip over races for the Board of Supervisors.

IRV Election in San Francisco is Great Success
On November 2, 2004, San Francisco voters made history when they went to the polls and used ranked choice voting (also known as instant runoff voting) to elect seven members of the Board of Supervisors (city council). All winners were determined by Friday afternoon, less than 72 hours after the polls had closed, and the city saved millions of tax dollars by avoiding a low turnout, December runoff election.  In addition, all winners were elected with many more votes than in previous races for Supervisor, so more voters had a say in who their local representatives are. All in all, it was a great success for the maiden voyage of ranked choice voting in San Francisco.

Visit www.sf-rcv.org for voter education materials.

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June 10th 2008
Instant Runoff Voting: a democracy saver

Tad Daley, JD, PhD, Writing Fellow International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War Nobel Peace Laureate explains why IRV could revitalize democracy in Los Angeles (CA) and more especially in Los Angeles County (CA).

June 9th 2008
Parties split over teen voting bill
Sacramento Bee

News story on campaign for advance voter registration age of 16 in California.

May 9th 2008
Election results reshape council
The Daily Bruin

Another successful student election through IRV at UCLA.

April 30th 2008
Majority Rule at Last
Washington Monthly

The Brennan Center's Michael Waldman lays out the case for the National Popular Vote Plan for electing the president.

April 19th 2008
GSA candidate withdraws from race
The Daily Bruin

An article about UCLA recent student elections using IRV which shows a key value for IRV focusing on how well it accommodates a candidate's late withdrawal in a campaign.

April 17th 2008
State ballot allows creativity with party preferences
The Olympian

The Olympian reports, state officials give political parties freedom to design and place logo on upcoming primary ballot

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