Power of State Legislatures

…State Legislatures have the authority to replace their state’s appointed electors after the popular vote with their own instead of following the decision of the parties.  Florida’s Republican Legislature was prepared to do so in 2000 if the Supreme Court had not decided in Bush’s favor in Bush vs. Gore.  Consider this excerpt from the Washington Post (July 19, 2004):


“Suppose that some of the electors -- the people who under our constitutional system conduct the real presidential election some weeks after voters go to the polls -- aren't actually selected by the voters.

Impossible? Not if you give a close reading to the Supreme Court's decision in the case of Bush v. Gore, which finally settled the presidential election of 2000, if not to everyone's satisfaction. Under that decision, there is no guarantee that the electors who are decisive in choosing the next president of the United States will themselves be selected by the people of the United States.

That's because the justices ruled in that case that state legislatures have unlimited authority to determine whether citizens in their respective states shall be allowed to vote for president at all.

"The individual citizen has no federal constitutional right to vote for electors for the President of the United States," the court said, "unless and until the state legislature chooses a statewide election as the means to implement its power to appoint members of the Electoral College."

Imagine, now, a state in which the same party controls both houses of the legislature and the governor's office. There would presumably be no partisan impediment to the state legislature, with the governor's approval, deciding that the majority party in state government shall control the state's electoral vote, regardless of any popular vote in the state.

The ordinary protection against this sort of usurpation is presumably the "outrage factor" -- the idea that no legislature would risk the wrath of the citizenry by usurping their right to vote. But in 2000, unfortunately, Florida demonstrated that legislators might well be willing to risk the outrage if they have a case, no matter how contestable, that the electors they are choosing actually do represent majority sentiment in the state."

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Electoral College Table of Contents

August 18th 2008
Sidestepping the electoral college

Los Angeles Times Editorial supporting the National Popular Vote movement.

August 18th 2008
Popular Vote Is A Popular Choice For Bay State
Worcester Business Journal

Op-ed by Christian Smith-Socaris of the Progressive States Network on the National Popular Vote

August 8th 2008
Candidates ignore R.I.:

FairVote's Ari Savitzky and former U.S. Senator Lincoln Chafee (R-RI) write commentary making the case for the National Popular Vote plan for president.

July 26th 2008
Americans don't vote for long list of reasons
The Kansas City Star

The Kansas City Star takes a look at several reasons for low voter turnout in the U.S. FairVote's Adam Fogel says the government is not making an effort to ensure full, accurate voter rolls.

July 21st 2008
State's electoral votes may end up playing hard to get
The Brown Daily Herald

The Daily Herald's coverage of the national popular vote push in RI quotes FairVote RI's Ari Savitzky

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