FairVote California
270 Alvarado Rd.
Berkeley, CA 94705

Board Members
Pete Martineau

David Wilner

Rob Dickinson

Click here for bios.

California Reform Initiative

Best Methods for Representing California

IRV Election Equipment Certified
Accupoll machine compatible with instant runoffs
Accupoll, a California-based election equipment vendor, has produced a voting machine that can handle instant runoff elections. The "Version 2.5" system, which provides a voter verified paper audit trail, recently received federal certification. The company proudly proclaims its new ranked choice capabilities, which should make it a viable competitor as more locales move toward IRV elections. FairVote applauds Accupoll for taking initiatives for alternative voting.

[More on the Accupoll system]

San Jose Mercury News Endorses Full Representation to Solve Gerrymandering Problem
Editorial board also supports IRV for California elections
San JoseAfter convening a panel of redistricting reform experts, the San Jose Mercury News editorial board concluded that if improving elections and the quality of representation is the goal, California needs multimember districts with proportional voting. The paper recognized that an independent redistricting panel would protect minority rights, make districts compact, and not split cities or communities, but ultimately found that it would not go far enough. The Mercury News also endorsed instant runoff voting, citing its recent successful use in San Francisco.

[Read the editorial] [More on multimember districts in CA]

Davis to Consider Choice Voting
UC Davis Students Influential in Decision

On March 7, the City of Davis Governance Taskforce voted 8-1 to recommend choice voting for City Council elections. The taskforce will present a report to Davis City Council on April 5. If the council accepts the findings, the citizens of Davis will get to have their say on choice voting in a ballot measure.

The choice voting campaign has attracted widespread support from the community, as well as from University of California -- Davis students. UC Davis already uses choice for student government elections.

[More on choice voting in Davis, CA]

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June 19th 2008
Will We Have Instant Runoff Voting For Berkeley�s November Election?
The Berkeley Daily Planet

Commentary advocating the swift implementation of IRV in Berkeley.

June 17th 2008
Many states turning to paper ballots for fall
Bosten Globe

According to the Boston Globe, many states are choosing to use paper ballots in the upcoming general election.

June 11th 2008
Disenfranchised Again in California
Huffington Post

Commentary calls for instant runoff voting and a national popular vote

June 10th 2008
Instant Runoff Voting: a democracy saver

Tad Daley, JD, PhD, Writing Fellow International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War Nobel Peace Laureate explains why IRV could revitalize democracy in Los Angeles (CA) and more especially in Los Angeles County (CA).

June 9th 2008
Parties split over teen voting bill
Sacramento Bee

News story on campaign for advance voter registration age of 16 in California.

May 9th 2008
Election results reshape council
The Daily Bruin

Another successful student election through IRV at UCLA.

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