In The News
November 30th 2008
How to have minor parties that are more than spoilers
Minneapolis Star Tribune

Well-known writer-thinker advocates IRV in tandem with fusion voting

November 24th 2008
Avoid the agony of recounts, and more, with instant runoff
Star Tribune

Former US Senator Durenberger (R) advocates IRV for Minnesota.

November 24th 2008
Elections with less acrimony? That's the true beauty of IRV
Minneapolis Star Tribune

Columnist argues for instant runoff voting for Minnesota.

November 14th 2008
Minnesota elections are already a national leader, but could they be better?
Minnesota Post

Article explores the advantages of instant runoff voting for Minnesota.

November 12th 2008
Senate race shows need for runoff system
Duluth News Tribune

Commentator aruges Minnesota should adopt either a two-round runoff system or an instant runoff system to solve the spoiler problem.

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