Looking at the Numbers: Minority Rules

Just how many people elect the president of the United States? The answer may surprise you.  Consider the 2000 presidential elections. Even though more than 100 million people voted in the election, only a small portion of those votes in fact were decisive. Indeed the results would have been exactly the same even if nearly 80 million of those voters would have stayed home.

Here’s what we mean:

  • Total number of votes cast nationwide in Presidential elections:
    • 105,396,641 in 2000
    • 131,338,626 in 2008
  • Total number of votes cast for the winner in their states won:
    • 26,353,058 in 30 states for George W. Bush
    • 53,363,321 in 29 states (including DC) for Barack Obama
  • Minimum number of votes the winner needed in order to win in those same states:
    • 21,835,615 in 30 states for George W. Bush
    • 39,908,351 in 29 states (including DC) for Barack Obama
  • Total number of votes that did not factor in determining the winner of the president in their respective years:
    • To win the Electoral College in 2000, Bush needed only 21,835,615 votes out of a total of 105,396,641 votes.
    • To win the Electoral College in 2008, Obama needed only 39,908,351 votes out of a total of 131,338,626 votes.
  • Percentage of votes that did not factor in determining the winner in their respective years:
    • 79.28% in 2000
    • 70.39% in 2008

Electoral College Table of Contents

October 26th 2008
It's time to get rid of Electoral College

Editorial in the Houston Chronicle calls for the direct election of the President and asks readers to support the National Popular Vote initiative.

October 26th 2008
Make all votes count

Disenchanted by the recent lack of attention paid to Michigan, Detroit Free Press editor Ron Dzwonkowski argues for the National Popular Vote interstate compact to make Michigan voters relevant throughout every campaign.

October 25th 2008
Blue State Blues

New York Times op-ed columnist Gail Collins addresses the sense of neglect felt by voters in "spectator" states as a result of the Electoral College and the winner-take-all method of allocating states' electors.

October 23rd 2008
The Electoral College And Other Hazards
National Journal

Interview with FairVote Executive Director Rob Richie on prospects for electoral reform.

October 17th 2008
October 17th Update on Presidential Visits and Spending

FairVote's press release shows that in the "Swing States of America," candidates ignore a majority of states and follow voting patterns of 2004 Presidential Election.

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