In the News
June 11th 2008
Disenfranchised Again in California
Huffington Post

Commentary calls for instant runoff voting and a national popular vote

June 10th 2008
Instant Runoff Voting: a democracy saver

Tad Daley, JD, PhD, Writing Fellow International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War Nobel Peace Laureate explains why IRV could revitalize democracy in Los Angeles (CA) and more especially in Los Angeles County (CA).

May 9th 2008
Election results reshape council
The Daily Bruin

Another successful student election through IRV at UCLA.

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Research and Reports                         

[View San Francisco resources]


  • California Instant Runoff Voting Coalition is an action-oriented site that is campaigning for more of the successful local ballot measures in California (like Oakland, Santa Clara County and San Leandro County) as well as state legislation.

Legislation and Litigation

See if there is any current legislation in California