And The Last Shall Be First

The four elections in which the President-Elect lost the popular vote are: 

1824 – Adams over Jackson 

Popular vote margin: 44,804 - favoring Jackon

Electoral College margin: 15 - favoring Jackon

*John Q. Adams received fewer electoral votes and fewer popular votes than Andrew Jackson, but, as outlined by the Constitution, when no candidate receives the majority of the Electoral College vote the decision is turned over to the House of Representatives. There, 13 state delegations voted for John Q. Adams, 7 for Jackson and 3 for Crawford. (

1876 – Hayes over Tilden

Popular vote margin: 264,292 - favoring Tilden

Electoral College margin: 1 - electing Hayes

1888 – Harrison over Cleveland

Popular vote margin: 100,456 - favoring Cleveland

Electoral College margin: 65 - electing Harrison 

2000 – Bush over Gore

Popular vote margin: 543,895 (the largest so far) - favoring Gore

Electoral College margin: 5 - electing Bush

*Note: Some sources also consider 1960 a contested election. Although most believe Kennedy won the popular vote and the electoral college, some believe that there exists an alternative result that puts Nixon on top in popular votes. However, this election is not as harshly contested as the above four.

It is only luck that has saved us from more situations like these where the White House is not delivered to the President-Elect. Statistics show that close elections possess a very high possibility of this distorted result. Several elections throughout the 19th and 20th centuries have been so close that a small difference in votes – a fraction of 1 percent of the national vote – would have presented a different winner. 

Election Year Shift Needed In Which States
1828 11,517 Ohio, Kentucky, New York, Louisiana, Indiana
1840 8,386 New York, Pennsylvania, Maine, New Jersey
1844 2,555 New York
1848 3,227 Georgia, Maryland, Delaware
1864 38,111 New York, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Oregon, Wisconsin, Maryland, Connecticut
1868 29,862 Pennsylvania, Indiana, North Carolina, Alabama, Connecticut, California, Nevada
1880 10,517 New York
1884 575 New York
1892 37,364  New York, Indiana, Wisconsin, New Jersey, California
1896 20,296 Indiana, Kentucky, California, Delaware, Oregon, West Virginia
1900 74,755 Ohio, Indiana, Kansas, Nebraska, Maryland, Utah, Wyoming
1908 75,041 Ohio, Missouri, Indiana, Kansas, Delaware, West Virginia, Montana, Maryland
1916 1,983 California
1948 29,294 California, Ohio, Illinois
1960 11,424 Illinois, Missouri, New Mexico, Hawaii, Nevada
1976 9,246 Hawaii, Ohio

*Information from Why the Electoral College is Bad for America, George C. Edwards III

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Electoral College Table of Contents

November 5th 2008
Every Vote Should Count, From Sea to Shining Sea
New York Times

Letter to the Editor from FairVote's Rob Richie calling for a National Popular Vote for President to make sure that everyone's vote is counted equally.

November 5th 2008
Time to get rid of the Electoral College

Miami Herald endorses direct election of the President and the National Popular Vote plan.

November 2nd 2008
Our Skewed Electioneering Could Be Fixed

Citing FairVote executive director Rob Richie, syndicated columnist Neal Peirce advocates for the National Popular Vote plan.

November 2nd 2008
Ohio is still the political heartland
Dayton Daily News

Dayton Daily News cites FairVote's 2008 Campaign Tracker, which shows Ohio to be in the campaign spotlight.

October 28th 2008
When winner takes all, we lose: Fix electoral college now
New York Daily News

Bill Hammond calls for a National Popular Vote to make New York voters matter in the Presidential Election.

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