Size Doesn't Matter

One of the objectives of the Founders was to ensure that candidate platforms and campaigns addressed the needs and concerns of each state equally.  The Electoral College was created to ensure candidates would pay attention to every states’ needs, since some states obviously overwhelmed others in population.  However, this is hardly working today, as candidates spend the majority of their time, money and energy wooing a handful of swing states, and ignoring the worries of most states - large and small.

Special Interests

Power of State Legislatures

Unlucky Luck

Ignoring Your Vote

Vague Values

More Options

Electoral Replacements

Electoral Tie

Favorite Son Effect

A Few States Wins

Constitutional Residence

Electoral College Table of Contents

November 5th 2008
Every Vote Should Count, From Sea to Shining Sea
New York Times

Letter to the Editor from FairVote's Rob Richie calling for a National Popular Vote for President to make sure that everyone's vote is counted equally.

November 5th 2008
Time to get rid of the Electoral College

Miami Herald endorses direct election of the President and the National Popular Vote plan.

November 2nd 2008
Our Skewed Electioneering Could Be Fixed

Citing FairVote executive director Rob Richie, syndicated columnist Neal Peirce advocates for the National Popular Vote plan.

November 2nd 2008
Ohio is still the political heartland
Dayton Daily News

Dayton Daily News cites FairVote's 2008 Campaign Tracker, which shows Ohio to be in the campaign spotlight.

October 28th 2008
When winner takes all, we lose: Fix electoral college now
New York Daily News

Bill Hammond calls for a National Popular Vote to make New York voters matter in the Presidential Election.

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