August 20th 2007
In defense of 55 electoral votes
The San Francisco Chronicle

An editorial in the San Francisco Chronicle cites the bipartisan National Popular Vote effort, and its 364 sponsors in 47 states in contrast to the wrong-headed congressional district proposal being floated in California.

August 13th 2007
Will California alter '08 race?
Christian Science Monitor

The writer evaluates California Republicans' move to have the state's electoral votes awarded by district. He concludes that it is an unfair move that will benefit only Republicans, without correcting the flaws of the current system.

August 11th 2007
Primary agenda should benefit the nation first
The Miami Herald

According to FairVote's Ryan O'Donnell, states must see both a collective and benefit to reform, and embrace real change on the national scale.

August 7th 2007
A Red Play for the Golden State

Newsweek columnist Jonathan Alter explains how the proposal to award California's and North Carolina's electoral votes by congressional district are motivated by short-term political gain.

August 6th 2007
GOP eyes California's electoral pie
Los Angeles Times

The author explains why Republicans want California's electoral votes distributed by congressional districts. In a safely Democratic state, such a move will add an additional score votes to the Republicans' tally - the equivalent of winning Ohio.

August 2nd 2007
The New Yorker

FairVote board member Hendrik Hertzberg writes on the folly of the statewide and national implications of the congressional district electoral vote scheme.

July 17th 2007
Independents Roil Vote
Hartford Courant

FairVote's own Paul Fidalgo and Rob Richie say a potential "spoiler" problem in the upcoming presidential election points to the need for a national popular vote and instant runoff voting.

July 15th 2007
However it's broken, it's time to fix primary process
San Jose Mercury News

There is no policy in the United States for how to run presidential nominations. That's the idea behind FairVote's new effort,, which aims for a national commission to establish a saner process in 2012.

July 11th 2007
Movement Started To Take Over Electoral College
an WSOCTV Eyewitness News Special Report

Maryland State Senator Jamie Raskin advocates the National Popular Vote bill.

June 25th 2007
Editorial: Obsolete Electoral College
The Milford Daily News

Editorial on National Popular Vote bill in Massachusetts state legislature

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Sierra Club National Popular Vote Resolution
WHEREAS, the mission of the Sierra Club is to explore, enjoy and protect the planet through grassroots participation in politics and government; and

WHEREAS,  presidential candidates focus their efforts and resources only in battleground states.

WHEREAS, two-thirds of the states receive little to no attention in a competitive presidential election.

THERFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Sierra Club supports National Popular Vote state legislation that will elect the President of the United States by popular vote.

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Sierra Club supports election of the President of the United States by direct popular vote.