Letters: Choices for voters June 6
Instant runoff voting

By Chuck O'Neil
Published May 31st 2006 in sacbee.com
I'm glad to see The Bee recognizes the need for improvement in our electoral system ("Not so democratic," editorial, May 19). But I wish The Bee would look into modern ranked voting systems.

Instant runoff voting (IRV) has been adopted by many California communities and around the nation. IRV eliminates the need for two elections to assure a majority vote.

Sen. Debra Bowen introduced SB 596 to allow general law jurisdictions to opt for ranked voting and other voting techniques. Unfortunately, senators who have been elected with pluralities defeated her efforts. Fortunately, it is fairly easy to adopt a charter and at the same time adopt a new voting system. Davis is offering a charter that adopts ranked voting to its voters.

Ranked choice voting techniques save money and are more democratic.