Zuckerman Bows Out of House Race; Criticizes Voting By Fear

By Terri Hallenbeck
Published February 16th 2006 in Burlington Free Press
Zuckerman bows out of House race; criticizes voting by fear

By Terri Hallenbeck
Free Press Staff Writer

February 16, 2006
MONTPELIER -- The baby, the farm and his Statehouse duties were factors, but when it came down to it, Progressive Rep. David Zuckerman said he was bowing out of the U.S. House race because too many people will cast their vote out of fear rather than hope.

Zuckerman, 34, of Burlington announced Wednesday that he will not run for the state's lone seat in the U.S. House. He had established an exploratory committee in November.

He said many people told him they support his policies, but too many also said they wouldn't be able to vote for him in November out of fear that the liberal third-party candidate would split votes with the Democratic candidate and hand the race to a Republican.

"Many said they would rather vote for their hope than their fears, but that in this race, at this time, they could not," Zuckerman said. "That would be hard to overcome."

With his wife, Rachel Nevitt, and 9-week-old daughter, Addie, by his side, Zuckerman said that instead of running for Congress he will focus on his family, the organic farm he runs in Burlington, his legislative duties and making changes to a voting system that favors the two-party system.

He said he supports the instant runoff voting system the city of Burlington will debut in March, which allows voters to rank candidates.

His decision not to run for Congress was a relief to Democrat Peter Welch, who no longer faces the prospects of sharing votes on the left side of the political spectrum with Zuckerman.

"It's very good news," said Welch, leader of the state Senate from Windsor County. "We must be united to win."

Zuckerman did not endorse Welch or any other candidate in the race. He indicated that other third-party candidates might be interested in running.

Zuckerman said Welch made it clear to him he did not want the Progressive to run: "Absolutely. He felt it would be more difficult to win if I was in the race."

Rep. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., who is vacating the House seat to run for U.S. Senate and is the dean of the state's political progressives, has endorsed Welch. Sanders also encouraged Zuckerman not to run.

Three Republicans are seeking the seat: Martha Rainville, retiring adjutant general of the Vermont National Guard; state Sen. Mark Shepard of Bennington; and retired businessman Dennis Morrisseau of West Pawlet.
Contact Terri Hallenbeck at 229-9141 or [email protected]