IRV in the News
April 5th 2009
AN ARGUMENT IN FAVOR: Instant runoff voting would make every vote count
Duluth News Tribune

Former U.S. Senator David Durenberger and Hamline Professor David Schultz believe instant runoff voting is a worthy reform to consider in the wake of the recent Minnesota Senate election.

April 2nd 2009
No consensus on city vote change plan
Herald Sun

FairVote North Carolina Executive Director Torrey Dixon is quoted in this article on a Durham hearing about the possibility of switching to instant runoff voting.

April 2nd 2009
A preference for a better electoral system
Jakarta Post

In this Jakarta Post Op-ed, David Stanford explains that Indonesians should not have to wait several months for their government to take office due to runoff elections, but instead should use instant runoff voting.

April 2nd 2009
ASWC executive council to be elected
Whitman College Pioneer

April elections of Whitman College's Executive Council and Senate will make use of instant runoff voting.

April 1st 2009
Runaway, Budget-Busting Runoffs
California Progress Report

California State Assemblymember Ted Lieu and New America Foundation Political Reform Program Deputy Director Gautam Dutta explain why instant runoff voting would be preferable to California's current runoff system.

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