In The News
October 16th 2008Instant Runoff Voting
The Memphis Flyer
The Memphis Flyer comes out in favor of the instant runoff voting measure on the November ballot.October 16th 2008
Instant runoff voting
Memphis Flyer
Memphis Flyer editorial in support of instant runoff voting.May 22nd 2008
The Runoff Issue
Memphis Flyer
Memphis editorial in favor of its city's upcoming ballot measure on instant runoff voting.May 21st 2008
Instant Runoff Voting Could be in City�s Future
Memphis Daily News
News article on the Memphis (TN) charter commission placing the issue of adopting instant runoff voting for city elections on the November ballot.April 24th 2008
Instant Runoff Voting could simplify things
Commercial Appeal Online
An Op-Ed explaining the benefits of IRV and why Memphis Charter Commission should put a referendum on the ballot to give Memphis residents the option of choosing IRV for city elections.[ Previous ] [ Next ]