IRV Editorials
October 17th 2008EAB: The two-party system
Daily Camera
The Editorial Board of the Daily Camera share their views on the two party sytem.October 16th 2008
Instant runoff voting
Memphis Flyer
Memphis Flyer editorial in support of instant runoff voting.August 8th 2008
City should elect, not appoint, new alder
The Capital Times (Madison, WI)
Editorial calls for IRV to full City Council Vacancies in Madison, WIJuly 10th 2008
A smarter way to vote
Press Telegram, Long Beach, CA
Editorial in support of city's interest in adopting instant runoff voting in Long Beach, California.July 2nd 2008
Instant Runoff
Winston Salem Journal
Editorial in favor of instant runoff voting in North Carolina.July 1st 2008
Voting inaction
News & Observer
Editorial suggests instant runoff voting should be considered in North CarolinaJune 29th 2008
Don't block vote on IRV in St. Paul
Star Tribune
Editorial calls for St Paul City Council to allow a ballot question on IRV in November.June 26th 2008
Labor commissioner runoff cost $55 a vote
Charlotte Observer
North Carolina's high-cost runoff elections beat the record of the lowest voter turnout ever in the state's history. "There's a better way to do it:instant runoff voting".June 25th 2008
Time has run out on runoffs
Wilmington Star News
Extremely low voter turnout for North Carolina runoff elections makes the case for IRV.May 28th 2008
Ranked-choice voting could be the answer
Arizona Republic
Editorial blog suggests instant runoff voting deserves serious consideration for local elections in Arizona.May 22nd 2008
The Runoff Issue
Memphis Flyer
Memphis editorial in favor of its city's upcoming ballot measure on instant runoff voting.April 8th 2008
What's so wrong with IRV?
Brattleboro Reformer
The Brattleboro Reformer endorses instant runoff voting and questions the governor's reasoning for his recent veto.[ Previous ] [ Next ]